Ordinateurs -- Accès -- Contrôle -- Évaluation. : Detection of intrusions and malware & vulnerability assessment : third international conference, DIMVA 2006, Berlin, Germany, July 13-14, 2006 : proceedings / Roland Büschkes, Pavel Laskov (eds.)
Ordinateurs -- États-Unis -- Histoire. : Calculating a natural world : scientists, engineers, and computers during the rise of U.S. cold war research / Atsushi Akera
Ordinateurs -- Évaluation -- Congrès. : Computer aided verification : 6th international conference, CAV '94, Stanford, California, USA, June 21-23, 1994 : proceedings / David L. Dill, ed
Ordinateurs -- Mémoires -- Congrès. : Memory management : international workshop IWMM '92, St. Malo, France, September 17-19, 1992 : proceedings / Y. Bekkers, J. Cohen, eds
Ordinateurs moléculaires. : Membrane computing : 6th international workshop, WMC 2005, Vienna, Austria, July 18-21, 2005 : revised selected and invited papers / Rudolf Freund [and others] (eds.)
Ordinateurs parallèles. : Workshop on Molecular Dynamics on Parallel Computers : John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) Research Centre, Jülich, Germany, 8-10 February 1999 / edited by Rüdiger Esser [and others]
Ordinateurs parallèles -- Programmation. : Using MPI : portable parallel programming with the message-passing interface / William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, Anthony Skjellum
Ordination (Buddhism) : The dreaming Buddhas project. Vows / a short film by Edward A. Burger ; a Commonfolk Films production
Ordination (Canon law) : Certezza del diritto e ordinamento canonico : percorsi di ricerca nel centenario del Codice piobenedettino : in memoria di Maria Vismara Missiroli / Chiara Minelli (a cura di)
Ordination -- Church of Ireland : Considerations upon a proposed change in the form of ordaining priests / By William Fitzgerald
Ordination des femmes -- Histoire. : Ordained women in the early church : a documentary history / edited and translated by Kevin Madigan and Carolyn Osiek
Ordination of gays. : More than a single issue : theological considerations concerning the ordination of practising homosexuals / edited by Murray A. Rae & Graham Redding
Ordination of women -- Catholic Church -- Congresses. : What we talk about when we talk about God : 6 papers presented at the 5th National Conference of Ordination of Catholic Women Incorporated, held at Burgmann College, Canberra ACT, October 1-3, 1999