Oral tradition -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : African traditional and oral literature as pedagogical tools in content area classrooms : K-12 / edited by Lewis Asimeng-Boahene, Michael Baffoe
Oral tradition -- Alaska : When our words return : writing, hearing, and remembering oral traditions of Alaska and the Yukon / edited by Phyllis Morrow and William Schneider
Oral tradition -- Alaska -- History and criticism : When our words return : writing, hearing, and remembering oral traditions of Alaska and the Yukon / edited by Phyllis Morrow and William Schneider
Oral tradition -- America : Poet-chief : the Native American poetics of Walt Whitman and Pablo Neruda / James Nolan
Oral tradition -- America -- History -- 17th century : Colonial mediascapes : sensory worlds of the early Americas / edited and with an introduction by Matt Cohen and Jeffrey Glover ; foreword by Paul Chaat Smith
Oral tradition -- Arizona : The sacred oral tradition of the Havasupai : as retold by elders and headmen Manakaja and Sinyella 1918-1921 / translators, Mark Hanna [and others] ; anthropologists and transcribers, Leslie Spier, and Erma Gunther ; contributors, Robert C. Euler and Douglas W. Schwartz ; contributors and editors, Frank D. Tikalsky, Catherine A. Euler, and John Nagel
Oral tradition -- Brazil : Jaguar and the revenge of the twins : as told by Daramasiwä / a film by Napoleon Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; produced at Documentary Educational Resources ; script and translation, Napoleon Chagnon
Oral tradition -- Cameroon -- South-West Province : Encounter, transformation and identity : peoples of the western Cameroon borderlands, 1891-2000 / edited by Ian Fowler and Verikijika G. Fanso, with a preface by Martin and Dorothy Njeuma
Oral tradition -- Collection and preservation. : Collecting and safeguarding the oral traditions : an international conference, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 16-19 August 1999, organized as a Satellite Meeting of the 65th IFLA General Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, 1999 / edited by John McIlwaine and Jean Whiffrin [i.e. Whiffin]