Oral tradition -- Venezuela : Jaguar and the revenge of the twins : as told by Daramasiwä / a film by Napoleon Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; produced at Documentary Educational Resources ; script and translation, Napoleon Chagnon
Oral tradition -- Victoria : Living Aboriginal history of Victoria : stories in the oral tradition / Alick Jackomos, Derek Fowell
Oral tradition -- Washington (State) : Wiyáx̣ayx̣t/Wiyáakaảawn = As days go by : our history, our land, and our people--the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla / edited by Jennifer Karson
Oral tradition -- Yukon -- History and criticism : When our words return : writing, hearing, and remembering oral traditions of Alaska and the Yukon / edited by Phyllis Morrow and William Schneider
The principal alkaloid in opium and the prototype opiate analgesic and narcotic. Morphine has widespread effects in the central nervous system and on smooth muscle
Orana Family Services. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n92060293 : All God's children : a centenary history of the Methodist Homes for Children and the Orana Peace Memorial Homes / Renate Howe and Shurlee Swain
Orana Family Services -- History. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n92060293 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh99005024 : All God's children : a centenary history of the Methodist Homes for Children and the Orana Peace Memorial Homes / Renate Howe and Shurlee Swain
Orana Peace Memorial Homes. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n92060298 : All God's children : a centenary history of the Methodist Homes for Children and the Orana Peace Memorial Homes / Renate Howe and Shurlee Swain