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Book Cover
Streaming video

Title Administering oral, topical, suppository and inhalant medications / Medcom Trainex
Published Cypress, CA : Medcom, Inc., 2003


Description 1 online resource (streaming video file) (26 min.)
Series Nursing education in video
Nursing education in video.
Summary "Prerequisite knowledge and skills for administrating oral, suppository and inhalant medications are presented in this program which has also been updated to reflect current hand hygiene technique. Oral medications are introduced first beginning with types of solid and liquid forms. Guidelines for preparing oral medications are demonstrated including administration via a nasogastric tube and sublingual administration. Different forms of topical medications and techniques for application of topical discs, sterile ophthalmic ointments and drops, and nasal agents are shown. The suppository method of administration is presented with emphasis given to techniques for rectal and vaginal administration. Devices used to administer prescribed inhalant medication are introduced and skills for their use are demonstrated for patient teaching."
Notes Previously released on DVD
Subject Drugs -- Administration.
Oral medication.
Genre/Form Video recordings.
Form Streaming video
Author Medcom, inc.
ISBN 9781503421509