A test to determine the ability of an individual to maintain HOMEOSTASIS of BLOOD GLUCOSE. It includes measuring blood glucose levels in a fasting state, and at prescribed intervals before and after oral glucose intake (75 or 100 g) or intravenous infusion (0.5 g/kg)
Oral Health -- history : Yuendumu : legacy of a longitudinal growth study in Central Australia / by Tasman Brown, Grant C. Townsend, Sandra K. Pinkerton, James R. Rogers
Oral history -- Africa : African voices on slavery and the slave trade / edited by Alice Bellagamba, Sandra E. Greene, Martin A. Klein with the assistance of Carolyn Brown
Oral history -- Alaska : Boots, bikes, and bombers : adventures of Alaska conservationist Ginny Hill Wood / edited by Karen Brewster
Oral history -- Archival resources -- Directories. : Australia's oral history collections : a national directory / compiled for Towards Federation 2001 Working Group on High Priority Cross-Sectoral Projects ; edited by Martin Woods
Oral history -- Argentina -- Clara : The invention of the Jewish gaucho : Villa Clara and the construction of Argentine identity / Judith Noemà Freidenberg ; foreword by June Nash
Oral history -- Arizona : What has passed and what remains : oral histories of northern Arizona's changing landscapes / edited by Peter Friederici ; with photographs by Dan Boone and Ryan Belnap
Oral history -- Arkansas -- Arkansas Delta : The Arkansas Delta Oral History Project : culture, place, and authenticity / David A. Jolliffe, Christian Z. Goering, Krista Jones Oldham, and James A. Anderson, Jr
Works about conversations with an individual or individuals held in order to obtain information about their background and other personal biographical data, their attitudes and opinions, etc. It includes works about school admission or job interviews
Oral history -- China -- History -- 20th century : The reconstruction of Chinese sociology : an oral record of 40 sociologists (1979-2019) / Xiaohong Zhou, Editor ; translated by Qian Yufang, Gao Sifei
Oral history -- China -- History -- 21st century : The reconstruction of Chinese sociology : an oral record of 40 sociologists (1979-2019) / Xiaohong Zhou, Editor ; translated by Qian Yufang, Gao Sifei