Opioids -- Overdose -- Statistics : Opioid-prescribing patterns and overdose among privately insured adolescents / American Academy of Pediatrics
Opioids -- Overdose -- Treatment -- United States : Medications for opioid use disorder save lives / Committee on Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder ; Alan I. Leshner and Michelle Mancher, editors ; Board on Health Sciences Policy, Health and Medicine Division
Opioids -- Therapeutic use -- Australia. : A treatment outline for approaches to opioid dependence / Quality Assurance in the Treatment of Drug Dependence Project ; edited by Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall
Opioids -- Therapeutic use -- Side effects : Do no harm : the opioid epidemic / a production of the Media Policy Center ; directed by Harry Wiland ; producer, writer, editor, Beverly Baroff ; producer, Margie Friedman
Opioids -- United States : 60 minutes. Inside the epidemic / produced by Ira Rosen, Sam Hornblower
Opisthoproctidae. : Octonauts : Octonauts and the Scary Spookfish - Series 1 - Ep 36 / Director: O'Connell, Darragh
Opisthorchis viverrini. : Liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini related cholangiocarcinoma : liver fluke related cholangiocarcinoma / Narong Khuntikeo, Ross H. Andrews, Trevor N. Petney, Shahid A. Khan, editors
Opitz, Hans-Georg, 1905-1941 -- Correspondence : Von Arius zum Athanasianum : Studien zur Edition der "Athanasius Werke" / herausgegeben von Annette von Stockhausen und Hanns Christof Brennecke
Opitz, Martin, 1597-1639. : Der Reformator und Aufklärer Martin Opitz (1597-1639) : Ein Humanist im Zeitalter der Krisis / Klaus Garber
Opitz, Martin, 1597-1639 -- Correspondence : Briefwechsel und Lebenszeugnisse : kritische Edition mit Übersetzung / Martin Opitz ; herausgegeben von Klaus Conermann unter Mitarbeit von Harald Bollbuck