Opie, Amelia, 1769-1853. : Amelia : the tale of a plain Friend : by Jacobine Menzies Wilson and Helen Lloyd
Opie, Amelia, 1769-1853. Adeline Mowbray : The female philosopher and her afterlives : Mary Wollstonecraft, the British novel, and the transformations of feminism, 1796-1811 / Deborah Weiss
Opie, Peter., 1918-1982 : Children and their books : a celebration of the work of Iona and Peter Opie / edited by Gillian Avery and Julia Briggs ; with a foreword by Iona Opie
Opie, Roy, 1909-1968 : Roy Opie, 1909-1968 : a retrospective exhibition of paintings and drawings / [compiled by Margaret Rich]
Opie, Roy, 1909-1968 -- Exhibitions : Roy Opie, 1909-1968 : a retrospective exhibition of paintings and drawings / [compiled by Margaret Rich]
Opinião pública (relações públicas) : Democratic challenges, democratic choices : the erosion of political support in advanced industrial democracies / Russell J. Dalton
An enduring, learned predisposition to behave in a consistent way toward a given class of objects, or a persistent mental and/or neural state of readiness to react to a certain class of objects, not as they are but as they are conceived to be
Opinion : Paradigm Shift : How Expert Opinions Keep Changing on Life, the Universe, and Everything
The attitude of a significant portion of a population toward any given proposition, based upon a measurable amount of factual evidence, and involving some degree of reflection, analysis, and reasoning
Here are entered works on the technique of public opinion polling. Works on polls on a specific subject are entered under the appropriate heading for the topic with the subdivision Public opinion. Works on such polls taken in a specific place are assigned an additional heading Public opinion--[place]. Works on such polls limited to a specific class of persons are assigned an additional heading for the group of people with the subdivision Attitudes
The attitude of a significant portion of a population toward any given proposition, based upon a measurable amount of factual evidence, and involving some degree of reflection, analysis, and reasoning
Opinión pública -- Asia oriental : Citizens, democracy, and markets around the Pacific rim : congruence theory and political culture / edited by Russell J. Dalton and Doh Chull Shin
Opinión pública Ciencia : Expertise in crisis : the ideological contours of public scientific controversies / David S. Caudill ; with a foreword by Harry Collins