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Book Cover
Author Cohen, Martin

Title Paradigm Shift : How Expert Opinions Keep Changing on Life, the Universe, and Everything
Published Luton : Andrews UK, 2015


Description 1 online resource (273 pages)
Contents Cover ; Contents ; Front matter; Title page; Publisher information; Introduction; How to use this book; Body matter; Part I; 1. Tales of Mice and Men; 2. Discarding Fossilized Theories; 3. The Brain Doctors; 4. Inexplicable Diseases; 5. Inexplicable Cures; Part II; 6. Physics' Guilty Secrets; 7. Black Holes, God Particles, and Bombast; 8. Spooky Coincidences and Amazing Insights; Part III; 9. Bubbles, Black Swans, and Banking Disasters; 10. Climate Science and the Profits of Doom; 11. The Risk Factor; 12. African Art or High Street Kitsch?; Afterword: Paradigm Shifts; Back matter
Notes and Key SourcesAbout the Author; Also available
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references
Notes Print version record
Subject Paradigm
Knowledge, Theory of.
Knowledge, Sociology of.
sociology of knowledge.
Knowledge, Sociology of.
Knowledge, Theory of.
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781845408572