Onteigening. : The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi economic war against the Jews : the expropriation of Jewish-owned property / Harold James
Ontell, Annette : 306 Hollywood / a film by and directed by Elan and Jonathan Bogarin ; produced by Judit Stalter, Elan and Jonathan Bogarin ; edited & written by Nyneve Laura Minnear, Elan and Jonathan Bogarin
Ontevredenheid. : The Angry American : How Voter Rage Is Changing the Nation
Ontoerekenbaarheid. : The organizational response to persons with mental illness involved with the criminal justice system / edited by Stephanie W. Hartwell
--subdivision Development under individual and groups of animals and plants, e.g. Cattle--Development; Corn--Development; Fishes--Development; and subdivision Differentiation under individual parts of the body, e.g. Heart--Differentiation
Sets of structured vocabularies used for describing and categorizing genes, and gene products by their molecular function, involvement in biological processes, and cellular location. These vocabularies and their associations to genes and gene products (Gene Ontology annotations) are generated and curated by the Gene Ontology Consortium