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Title Cutting Edge Special: BP
Published Australia : SBS ONE, 2011
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Description 1 online resource (streaming video file) (52 min. 23 sec.) ; 314905205 bytes
Summary Long before the Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, BP was widely viewed as a company that valued deal-making and savvy marketing over safety; a serial offender that left behind a long trail of problems - deadly accidents, disastrous spills and countless safety violations. Could the spill have been prevented? Through interviews with current and former employees and executives, government regulators, and safety experts, the program examines the trail that led to the disaster in the Gulf. (From the US) (Documentary Series) PG CC
Notes Closed captioning in English
Event Broadcast 2011-02-20 at 21:30:00
Notes Classification: PG
Subject BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill (2010)
Explosions -- Accidents.
Fires -- Casualties.
Offshore oil well drilling -- Accidents.
Oil spills -- Containment.
Oil spills -- Environmental aspects.
Gulf of Mexico.
Form Streaming video
Author Aaker, Gordon, contributor
Anderson, Martin, contributor
Aulds, T. J., contributor
Browne, John, contributor
Browner, Carol, contributor
Buzbee, Tony, contributor
Dye, Kristjan, contributor
Freeman, Ronald, contributor
Guyon, Janet, contributor
Hayes, David, contributor
Hayward, Tony, contributor
Holmstrom, Don, contributor
Hoyos, Carola, contributor
Kovac, Marc, contributor
Leining, Dave, contributor
Lustgarten, Abrahm, reporter
Lyman, Will, cast
Odum, Marvin, contributor
Parus, Don, contributor
Rowe, Eva, contributor
Sawyer, Mike, contributor
Schwartz, Nelson, contributor
Senko, Dave, contributor
Smith, Martin, reporter
Theurich, Mike, contributor
Tillerson, Rex, contributor
Uhlmann, David, contributor
Watson, John, contributor
Waxman, Henry, contributor
West, Scott, contributor