Oculografie. : Principles and practice of clinical electrophysiology of vision / editors, John R. Heckenlively and Geoffrey B. Arden ; associate editors, Steven Nusinowitz, Graham E. Holder, Michael Bach
The muscles that move the eye. Included in this group are the medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, superior oblique, musculus orbitalis, and levator palpebrae superioris
Ocultisme. : Fact and prejudice : how to communicate with esoterics, fanatics and conspiracy believers / Holm Gero Hümmler, Ulrike Schiesser ; illustrated by Frances Blüml
Ocultismo. : Gale encyclopedia of the unusual and unexplained / Brad E. Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger, editors
Ocupació -- Anàlisi. : Job and Work Analysis : Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management / Frederick P. Morgeson, Michael T. Brannick, Edward L. Levine
ocupación. : Licensing occupations : ensuring quality or restricting competition? / Morris M. Kleiner
Oda nobunaga. : The tree trunk can be my pillow : the biography of an outstanding Japanese Canadian / Tadashi Jack Kagetsu ; introduction by Dr. Jordan Stanger-Ross
Oda, Nobunaga, 1534-1582 : The chronicle of Lord Nobunaga / by Ota Gyuichi ; translated and edited by J.S.A. Elisonas and J.P. Lamers
Oda, Saint : Eadmer of Canterbury : Lives and Miracles of Saints Oda, Dunstan, and Oswald
Ōdachi, Kazuo : Memoirs of a kamikaze : a World War II pilot's inspiring story of survival, honor and reconciliation / Kazuo Odachi with Shigeru Ohta and Hiroyoshi Nishijima ; translated by Alexander Bennett and Shigeru Ohta
Odah, Neenef, -1999. : "The events of October" : murder-suicide on a small campus / Gail Griffin
Odakyū Dentetsu Kabushiki Kaisha. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n81132254 : Tokyo commute Japanese customs and way of life viewed from the Odakyū Line / by A. Robert Lee ; line compositions by Yuriko Yamamoto
O'Daniel, W. Lee (Wilbert Lee), 1890-1969. : Please pass the biscuits, Pappy : pictures of Governor W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniel / Bill Crawford ; introduction by John Anderson