Oceania -- Relations -- Great Britain : South seas encounters : nineteenth-century Oceania, Britain, and America / edited by Richard Fulton [and three others]
Oceania -- Relations -- Libya. : Social program evaluation : guidelines for health, education, and welfare administrators / Tony Tripodi, Phillip Fellin, Irwin Epstein
Oceania Reproductive health : Working with men to improve reproductive health : an activity manual for the Pacific / compiled by Jennifer Power and Maggie Kenyon
Oceania Right of property : Property rights and economic development : land and natural resources in southeast Asia and Oceania / edited by Toon van Meijl and Franz von Benda-Beckmann
Oceania Sculpture : Tribal sculpture : masterpieces from Africa, south East Asia and the Pacific in the Barbier-Mueller Museum / Douglas Newton, Hermione Waterfield ; photographs by Pierre-Alain Ferrazzini ; with 295 illustrations in full colour
Oceania Sea birds Identification : Sea birds : and others of the Great Barrier Reef, Australasia, South Pacific, & Indian Ocean / Neville Coleman
Oceania Sea kayaking : The happy isles of Oceania : paddling the Pacific / by Paul Theroux
Oceania Sea level Congresses : Proceedings of the science component, Pacific Islands Conference on Climate Change, Climate Variability and Sea Level Rise : linking science and policy, the National Auditorium, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 3-7 April 2000
Oceania Seafaring life Bibliography Union lists : Log of logs : a catalogue of logs, journals, shipboard diaries, letters, and all forms of voyage narratives, 1788 to 1988, for Australia and New Zealand and surrounding oceans / by Ian Nicholson
Oceania Self psychology : The anthropology of empathy : experiencing the lives of others in Pacific societies / edited by Douglas W. Hollan and C. Jason Throop
Oceania Shells Identification : Shells of New Guinea and the central Indo-Pacific / A.G. Hinton ; with colour photographs by the author
Oceania Ship registers : Ships employed in the South Seas trade : 1775-1859 (part I) : Admiralty protections from impressment, 1777-1811 (part II) : Aspects of the South Sea trade (part III) / A.G.E. Jones ; illustrations edited by Ian H. Nicholson
Oceania Shipping : The Pacific Forum Line : a commitment to regional shipping / Tony Nightingale