Oceania Population geography : In search of a home / [editors, Leonard Mason, Pat Hereniko ; authors, Andrew Ala ... and others]
Oceania -- Population -- History : The growth and collapse of Pacific island societies : archaeological and demographic perspectives / Patrick V. Kirch and Jean-Louis Rallu, editors
Oceania -- Population policy. : Is population growth a deterrent to development in the South Pacific? / Dennis A. Ahlburg
Oceania Portugal Colonies Congresses : The last empire : thirty years of Portuguese decolonization / edited by Stewart Lloyd-Jones and António Costa Pinto
Oceania Pottery, Prehistoric : Lapita design, form and composition : proceedings of the Lapita Design Workshop, Canberra, Australia, December 1988 / edited by Matthew Spriggs
Oceania Poultry : Pigs and poultry in the South Pacific / by Ian Watt and Frank Michell
Oceania Poverty : Urban poverty and the environment in the South Pacific / Jenny J. Bryant
Oceania Power resources Congresses : Energy patterns : papers delivered in the energy conservation technical stream sessions of the Australian Institute of Petroleum's 1980 Congress on the Future for Petroleum in the Pacific Region held in Sydney, September 14-17 1980 / general editor: Douglas A. Rose ; editor: Peter Eltham
Oceania Privatization : Property rights and economic development : land and natural resources in southeast Asia and Oceania / edited by Toon van Meijl and Franz von Benda-Beckmann
Oceania Prostitution : Global Perspectives on Prostitution and Sex Trafficking : Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Oceania
Oceania Psychology History : Psychology moving East : the status of western psychology in Asia and Oceania / edited by Geoffrey H. Blowers and Alison M. Turtle
Oceania Public health Periodicals : Pacific health dialog : a publication of the Pacific Basin Officers Training Program and the Fiji School of Medicine
Oceania Racially mixed people : Mixed race identities in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands / edited by Kirsten McGavin and Farida Fozdar
Oceania Radioactive pollution of the sea : The impact of nuclear testing at Mururoa and Fangataufa : a paper prepared for the South Pacific Environment Ministers' Meeting by a scientific advisory group, Brisbane, Australia, 16-17 August 1995 / Office of the Chief Scientist, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Oceania Rain forests : Tropical forests of Oceania : anthropological perspectives / editors: Joshua A. Bell, Paige West and Colin Filer
Oceania Rare animals : Endangered Species : Social, Scientific, Economic and Legal Aspects in Australia and the South Pacific / Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Sydney, May 11 and 12, 1984 ; Edited by Shelley Burgin ; Illustrations by David Mcfarland
Oceania Rare animals Congresses : Endangered Species : Social, Scientific, Economic and Legal Aspects in Australia and the South Pacific / Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Sydney, May 11 and 12, 1984 ; Edited by Shelley Burgin ; Illustrations by David Mcfarland
Oceania Refugees Periodicals : Newsletter of the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific