Nyiyaparli language (A50) (WA SF51-13) : Narratives from the north-west of Western Australia in the Ngarluma and Jindjiparndi languages / narrated by R. Churnside, W. King, Waljbira (Bulbul), Cobbin Dale, D. Bobby-Kiagi ; compiled by C.G. von Brandenstein
Nyiyaparli people (A50) (WA SF51-13) : Narratives from the north-west of Western Australia in the Ngarluma and Jindjiparndi languages / narrated by R. Churnside, W. King, Waljbira (Bulbul), Cobbin Dale, D. Bobby-Kiagi ; compiled by C.G. von Brandenstein
Nykvist, Sven. : Ljuset håller mig sällskap = Light keeps me company / Beluga Film ; en film av Carl-Gustaf Nykvist ; producerad av Gudrun och Carl-Gustaf Nykvist i samarbete med Klas Olofsson, Lars Blomgren, Gunnar Carlsson ; manus, Michal Leszczylowski, Gudrun och Carl-Gustaf Nykvist
Nylatinsk poesi. : An introduction to the study of medieval Latin versification / by Dag Norberg ; translated by Grant C. Roti and Jacqueline de La Chapelle Skubly ; edited and with an introduction by Jan Ziolkowski
Nyliberalism -- influenser. : Tragic spirits : shamanism, memory, and gender in contemporary Mongolia / Manduhai Buyandelger
Nyliberalism -- Östeuropa. : Central banking and financialization : a Romanian account of how Eastern Europe became subprime / by Daniela Gabor
Nyliberalism -- Skottland. : Neoliberal Scotland : class and society in a stateless nation / edited by Neil Davidson, Patricia McCafferty and David Miller