Nutt, James : Lizzie Nutt's sad experience : a heart broken, and a family plunged in grief : wreck and ruin! : the shooting and tragic death of noble-hearted Captain Nutt, Lizzie's brave father, who flinched not, like a true soldier, to die in defence of his daughter's honor : the great Dukes trial at Uniontown, Pa. : full account, and all "those terrible letters."
Nutt, James, 1862- -- Trials, litigation, etc : Trial of James Nutt for the killing of N.L. Dukes, at Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., June 13th, 1883 : containing a complete history of the dual tragedy, letters and expert testimony : also, the medical expert testimony, verbatim : speeches, rulings, charge of the court, points of counsel, portraits, etc. / stenographically reported by Edward J. Donnelly
Nutt, Lizzie : Lizzie Nutt's sad experience : a heart broken, and a family plunged in grief : wreck and ruin! : the shooting and tragic death of noble-hearted Captain Nutt, Lizzie's brave father, who flinched not, like a true soldier, to die in defence of his daughter's honor : the great Dukes trial at Uniontown, Pa. : full account, and all "those terrible letters."
Nuttall, Charles. : Representative Australians : a series of portraits from original sketches / by Charles Nuttall
Nuttall, Charles, 1872-1934 -- Exhibitions : Exhibition of pictures by the late Charles Nuttall : Hogans Gallery, 340 Little Collins Street, near Elizabeth Street, November 6 - 16, 1935
Nuttall Ornithological Club -- History. / : Contributions to the history of Australasian ornithology / edited by William E. Davis Jr., Harry F Recher, Walter E. Boles and Jerome A. Jackson
Nuttall, Zelia, 1858-1933. : In the shadow of Quetzalcoatl : Zelia Nuttall and the search for Mexico's ancient civilizations / Merilee Grindle
Nutter, Ralph H : With the possum and the eagle : the memoir of a navigator's war over Germany and Japan / Ralph H. Nutter
Nutton, Vivian. : Medicine and markets in the Graeco-Roman world and beyond : essays on ancient medicine in honour of Vivian Nutton / editors, Laurence M.V. Totelin and Rebecca Flemming
Nutty Redhead : That Nutty Redhead : partners debating their growth strategy / John H. Friar
Nutwell Court (England) : Sir Francis Henry Drake (1723-1794) : letters from the country, letters from the city / edited by Charity Scott-Stokes and Alan Lumb
Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse. : The bottom line : observations and arguments on the sports business / Andrew Zimbalist
Nutzenfunktion : Optimisation of production under uncertainty : the state-contingent approach / Svend Rasmussen
Nutzentheorie : Advances in public economics : utility, choice and welfare : a festschrift for Christian Seidl / edited by Ulrich Schmidt and Stefan Traub
Nutzer : Design Thinking und der neue Geist des Kapitalismus : Soziologische Betrachtungen einer Innovationskultur / Tim Seitz
Nutzfahrzeug : 3D-CFD-Simulation der Gemischbildung, Verbrennung und Emissionsentstehung Eines Hochdruck-Gas-Diesel-Brennverfahrens
Nutzgarten : City bountiful : a century of community gardening in America / Laura J. Lawson
Nutzungsdauer : Strategies to the prediction, mitigation and management of product obsolescence / Bjoern Bartels, Ulrich Ermel, Michael Pecht, Peter Sandborn
Nutzungsrecht : Rights to nature : ecological, economic, cultural, and political principles of institutions for the environment / edited by Susan Hanna, Carl Folke, Karl-Göran Mäler