Nurse and patient -- Québec (Province) -- Montréal : Tant que j'ai du respir dans le corps / une présentation des Films du 3 mars et des Films de l'autre ; image, Steve Patry ; montage, Natalie Lamoureux ; conception sonore, Marie-Pierre Grenier ; prise de son, Nicolas Goyette ; musique, Bertrand Blessing ; production et réalisation, Steve Patry
Nurse and patient -- Victoria : Nursing and nursing education in multicultural Australia : a Victorian study of some cultural, curriculum and demographic issues / J. D'Cruz, G. Tham
Nurse and physician -- Congresses : Caring, curing, coping : nurse, physician, patient relationships / edited by Anne H. Bishop and John R. Scudder, Jr
Nurse and physician -- France : Bodies and souls : politics and the professionalization of nursing in France, 1880-1922 / Katrin Schultheiss
Nurse anesthetists -- Practice -- United States. : Professional aspects of nurse anesthesia practice / by American Association of Nurse Anesthetists ; edited by Scot D. Foster, Lorraine M. Jordan
Registered nurses who hold Master's degrees in nursing with an emphasis in clinical nursing and who function independently in coordinating plans for patient care
Nurse Clinicians -- classification : Clinical nurse specialist role and practice : an international perspective / Janet S. Fulton, Vincent W. Holly, editors
Nurse educators -- Canada : The role of the nurse educator in Canada / editors: Karin Page-Cutrara and Patricia Bradley
Nurse educators -- Study and teaching : Nurse educator's guide to best teaching practice : a case-based approach / Keeley C. Harmon, Joe Ann Clark, Jeffery M. Dyck, Vicki Moran
Nurse educators -- Training of : Nursing professional development competencies : tools to evaluate and enhance educational practice / Barbara A. Brunt, MA, MN, RN-BC. NE-BC, FABC
Health personnel who do not hold professional degrees or credentials, but have completed training and are licensed to provide routine patient care under the direction of registered nurses and physicians