North America Abortion services : Contested spaces : abortion clinics, women's shelters and hospitals : politicizing the female body / by Lori A. Brown
North America Acculturation : Horse Dancing and Tasha / writer and director, Charles Nauman ; a Nauman Films production
North America Acid rain : Acid rain : the North American forecast / Ross Howard and Michael Perley
North America Adjustment (Psychology) : Handbook of multicultural perspectives on stress and coping / edited by Paul T.P. Wong, Lilian C.J. Wong ; foreword by Walter J. Lonner
North America Administrative procedure : La réforme de la réglementation dans les pays du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord : Mise en oeuvre des principes de la politique réglementaire pour renforcer la croissance inclusive / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
North America Admissible evidence : Expert evidence deficiencies in the judgments of the courts of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights / George Cumming
North America Adolescence Substance use : Handbook of child and adolescent drug and substance abuse : pharmacological, developmental, and clinical considerations / Louis A. Pagliaro and Ann Marie Pagliaro
North America Adoption : Strangers to relatives : the adoption and naming of anthropologists in Native North America / edited by Sergei Kan
North America Adult education : In defense of the lifeworld : critical perspectives on adult learning / edited by Michael R. Welton
North America Adult learning : In defense of the lifeworld : critical perspectives on adult learning / edited by Michael R. Welton
North America Advertising and children : Sext up KIDS / a Dreamstreet Pictures Production in associaton with the CBC ; director, Maureen Palmer ; producers, Rick LeGuerrier and Timothy M. Hogan
North America Advertising Motion pictures : Event & entertainment marketing : a must guide for corporate event sponsors and entertainment entrepreneurs / Barry Avrich
North America Agriculture and state : Policy reform and adjustment in the agricultural sectors of developed countries / edited by David Blandford and Berkeley Hill
North America Airlines : Competition versus predation in aviation markets : a survey of experience in North America, Europe and Australia / edited by Peter Forsyth ... [and others]
North America Albatrosses Identification : Petrels, albatrosses, and storm-petrels of North America : a photographic guide / Steve N.G. Howell ; in collaboration with J. Brian Patteson, Kate Sutherland and Debra L. Shearwater