North America Salmon : Trout and salmon of North America / Robert J. Behnke ; illustrated by Joseph R. Tomelleri ; foreword by Thomas McGuane ; introduction by Donald S. Proebstel ; edited by George Scott
North America Same-sex marriage History : The same-sex unions revolution in western democracies : international norms and domestic policy change / Kelly Kollman
North America -- San Pedro River Valley : The Davis Ranch Site : a Kayenta immigrant enclave in Southeastern Arizona / Rex E. Gerald ; edited by Patrick D. Lyons
North America -- San Pedro River Watershed : History is in the land : multivocal tribal traditions in Arizona's San Pedro Valley / T.J. Ferguson and Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh ; with a foreword by Robert W. Preucel
North America Sand dunes : Inland dunes of North America / Nicholas Lancaster, Patrick Hesp, editors
North America Sandhill crane : A chorus of cranes : the cranes of North America and the world / Paul A. Johnsgard ; with photographs by Thomas D. Mangelsen ; drawings and supplementary photos by P.A. Johnsgard
North America -- Santa Cruz River : Requiem for the Santa Cruz : an environmental history of an Arizona river / Robert H. Webb, Julio L. Betancourt, R. Roy Johnson, and Raymond M. Turner ; foreword by Bernard L. Fontana
North America Savannas Directories : Prairie directory of North America : the United States, Canada, and Mexico / Charlotte Adelman, Bernard L. Schwartz
North America School boards : Leadership and school boards : guarding the trust in an era of community engagement / Laura E. Reimer
North America Scots History 17th century : Lost lives, new voices : unlocking the stories of the Scottish soldiers from the battle of Dunbar 1650 / Christopher Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard, Richard Annis and Anwen Caffell ; with contributions from Julia Beaumont [and 14 others]
North America Scots-Irish History : Ulster and North America : transatlantic perspectives on the Scotch-Irish / edited by H. Tyler Blethen and Curtis W. Wood, Jr. ; with a foreword by T.G. Fraser
North America Sea birds : Life histories of North American petrels and pelicans and their allies / by Arthur Cleveland Bent
North America Sea ducks Conservation : Ecology and conservation of North American sea ducks / edited by Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Dirk V. Derksen, Dan Esler, John M. Eadie ; assisted by Vanessa W. Skean
North America Sea ducks Ecology : Ecology and conservation of North American sea ducks / edited by Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Dirk V. Derksen, Dan Esler, John M. Eadie ; assisted by Vanessa W. Skean
North America Sea turtles Diseases : Disease diagnosis and control in North American marine aquaculture / edited by Carl J. Sindermann and Donald V. Lightner
North America Self-determination, National : Re-creating the circle : the renewal of American Indian self-determination / edited by LaDonna Harris, Stephen M. Sachs, and Barbara Morris
North America Self-perception : Public Native America : tribal self-representations in casinos, museums, and powwows / Mary Lawlor