Nondestructive testing Airplanes : Aeronautical applications of non-destructive testing / Abbas Fahr, senior research officer, aerospace structures, materials and manufacturing, National Research Council of Canada ; with editorial assistance from William Wallace, Ph. D
Nondestructive testing Concrete : Acoustic emission and related non-destructive evaluation techniques in the fracture mechanics of concrete : fundamentals and applications / edited by Masayasu Ohtsu
Nondestructive testing Concrete Congresses : Concrete under severe conditions : environment and loading: selected per reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions, environment and loading CONSEC2016, September 12-14, 2016, Lecco, Italy / edited by Matteo Colombo, Marco di Prisco
Nondestructive testing Nanostructured materials : Characterization of microstructures by analytical electron microscopy (AEM) = Wei guan zu zhi de fen xi dian zi xian wei xue biao zheng / Yonghua Rong
Nondestructive testing Nuclear fuels : Nondestructive assay of nuclear materials for safeguards and security / William H. Geist, Peter A. Santi, Martyn T. Swinhoe, editors
Nondestructive testing Plant fibers : Wood and fibre properties of dryland conifers : a report for the RIRDC/Land & Water Australia/FWPRDC/MDBC Joint Venture Agroforestry Program / by Carolyn A. Raymond ... [and others]
Nondestructive testing Silicon : Photomodulated optical reflectance : a fundamental study aimed at non-destructive carrier profiling in silicon / Janusz Bogdanowicz
Nondestructive testing Wood products : Wood and fibre properties of dryland conifers : a report for the RIRDC/Land & Water Australia/FWPRDC/MDBC Joint Venture Agroforestry Program / by Carolyn A. Raymond ... [and others]
NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTS. : Geographic information metadata for spatial data infrastructures : resources, interoperability, and information retrieval / Javier Nogueras-Iso, Pedro Muro-Medrano, Javier Zarazaga-Soria
A nondirective psychotherapy approach originated by Carl Rogers. The goals of therapy are to promote the client's congruence, self awareness, and self acceptance. This approach views the client as naturally directed toward self actualization, and only needing facilitative conditions in order to promote this tendency
Nondirective Therapy : Person-centred counselling in action / Dave Mearns and Brian Thorne with John McLeod
Nondirective Therapy [MESH] : Client-centered therapy : its current practice, implications and theory / Carl R. Rogers ; with special chapters by Elaine Dorfman, Thomas Gordon [and] Nicholas Hobbs
The failure of homologous CHROMOSOMES or CHROMATIDS to segregate during MITOSIS or MEIOSIS with the result that one daughter cell has both of a pair of parental chromosomes or chromatids and the other has none
Directions written for the obtaining and use of PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS; MEDICAL DEVICES; corrective LENSES; and a variety of other medical remedies
Directions written for the obtaining and use of PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS; MEDICAL DEVICES; corrective LENSES; and a variety of other medical remedies