Nomades -- Afrique -- Congrès. : The Nomadic alternative : modes and models of interaction in the African-Asian deserts and steppes / editor, Wolfgang Weissleder
Nomades -- Asie -- Congrès. : The Nomadic alternative : modes and models of interaction in the African-Asian deserts and steppes / editor, Wolfgang Weissleder
Nomads -- Afghanistan : Afghan nomads-- the Maldar / an American Universities Field Staff presentation ; filmmakers, David Hancock, Herbert DiGioia ; producer, Norman Miller
Nomads Africa, North -- See Also the narrower term Bedouins
Here are entered works on the nomadic Arabs. Comprehensive works on the Arabs as an ethnic group are entered under Arabs
Nomads-Africa, West : Transborder Pastoral Nomadism and Human Security in Africa Focus on West Africa
Nomads -- Africa, West -- Congresses : Pastoralists of the West African savanna : selected studies presented and discussed at the Fifteenth International African Seminar held at Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria, July 1979 / edited by Mahdi Adamu, A.H.M. Kirk-Greene
Nomads -- Australia -- Roebuck Plains (W.A.) : Reading the country : introduction to nomadology / Krim Benterrak, Stephen Muecke, Paddy Roe with Ray Keogh, Butcher Joe (Nangan), E M Lohe
Nomads -- China -- History, Military : Rise of the Tang dynasty : the reunification of China and the military response to the steppe nomads (AD581-626) / Julian Romane