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Mark   Year Entries
Nobel Prizes -- History   12
Nobel Prizes -- History -- 19th century : Pioneers of microbiology and the Nobel prize / Ulf Lagerkvist  2003 1
Nobel Prizes -- History -- 20th century   2
Nobel Prizes -- ?́ƠBiography : Australia's Nobel Laureates : adventures in innovation / [editor-in-chief, John Keeney]  2004 1
Nobel Prizes -- Periodicals. : Les Prix Nobel    1
Nobel Prizes -- pioneers. : Making Marie Curie : intellectual property and celebrity culture in an age of information / Eva Hemmungs Wirtén  2015 1
Nobel Prizes -- Political aspects. : Kim Dae-Jung and the quest for the Nobel : how the president of South Korea bought the peace prize and financed Kim Jong-il's nuclear program / Donald Kirk, Kisam Kim  2013 1
Nobel Prizes -- Public opinion. : Abc Fora  2009 1

Nobel Symposium Committee -- See Nobelstiftelsen


Nobelists -- See Nobel Prize winners

Nobelpreis   5
Nobelpreisträger   3
Nobelprijzen.   7
Nobelpris. : Lives of the laureates : twenty-three Nobel economists / edited by Roger W. Spencer and David A. Macpherson  2014 1
Nobelpris -- pionjärer. : Making Marie Curie : intellectual property and celebrity culture in an age of information / Eva Hemmungs Wirtén  2015 1
Nobelpriset i kemi -- historia. : Cathedrals of science : the personalities and rivalries that made modern chemistry / Patrick Coffey  2008 1
Nobelpristagare -- historia. : Cathedrals of science : the personalities and rivalries that made modern chemistry / Patrick Coffey  2008 1
Nobelstiftelsen.   2
Nobelstiftelsen -- History. / : The beginnings of the Nobel institution : the science prizes, 1901-1915 / Elisabeth Crawford  1984 1
Nobile, Arminio, 1838-1897. : Arminio Nobile e la misura del cielo : ovvero Le disavventure di un astronomo napoletano / Massimo Capaccioli, Silvia Galano  2012 1
Nobile, Umberto, 1885-1978. : The Polar adventure : the "Italia" tragedy seen at close quarters / by Odd Arnesen  1929 1
  Nobility -- 6 Related Subjects   6
Nobility   261
Nobility -- Austria. : Body, Self and Melancholy The Self-Narratives and Life of the Nobleman Osvaldo Ercole Trapp (1634-1710)  2023 1
Nobility -- Austria -- Drama : Max Ophüls' Liebelei 1932 / directed by Max Ophuls ; [produced by Herman Millakowsky]  1996 1
Nobility -- Biography.   2
Nobility -- Books and reading -- France -- History -- 14th century : Controlling readers : Guillaume de Machaut and his late Medieval audience / Deborah McGrady  2006 1
Nobility -- British Isles. : The complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant / by G.E.C  1982 1
Nobility -- Canada, Eastern -- Social conditions -- 19th century : La noblesse canadienne sous le Régime anglais : Le destin des familles nobles suite au démantèlement des territoires français en Amérique du Nord, 1760-1840 / Jean-Paul Morel de la Durantaye  2020 1
Nobility -- China : Branches of heaven : a history of the imperial clan of Sung China / John W. Chaffee  1999 1
Nobility -- China -- History. : Branches of heaven : a history of the imperial clan of Sung China / John W. Chaffee  1999 1
Nobility -- China -- Qufu Shi : The Kongs of Qufu : the descendants of Confucius in late Imperial China / Christopher S. Agnew  2019 1
Nobility -- Claims.   3
Nobility -- Clothing   3
Nobility -- Clothing -- Europe -- History -- 16th century : Sartorial politics in early modern Europe : fashioning women / edited by Erin Griffey  2019 1
Nobility -- Clothing -- Europe -- History -- 17th century : Sartorial politics in early modern Europe : fashioning women / edited by Erin Griffey  2019 1
Nobility -- Clothing -- Italy -- Florence -- History -- 16th century : Fashion and masculinity in Renaissance Florence / Elizabeth Currie  2016 1
Nobility -- Clothing -- Italy -- History -- To 1500 : Brilliant bodies : fashioning courtly men in early Renaissance Italy / Timothy McCall  2022 1
Nobility -- Comic books, strips, etc   2
Nobility -- Conduct of life   2
Nobility -- Croatia -- History -- 19th century : Der Hochadel Kroatien-Slawoniens : Zwischen Verlust, Verteidigung und Neuerwerb gesellschaftlicher Elitenpositionen (1868-1918) / Daniel Lalic  2017 1
Nobility -- Croatia -- History -- 20th century : Der Hochadel Kroatien-Slawoniens : Zwischen Verlust, Verteidigung und Neuerwerb gesellschaftlicher Elitenpositionen (1868-1918) / Daniel Lalic  2017 1
Nobility -- Czech Republic -- Biography : Záhady kolem sňatku Anny Kateřiny Šporkové : historicko-právní studie z manželského práva / Ignác Antonín Hrdina, Hedvika Kuchařová  2017 1
Nobility -- Czech Republic -- Bohemia -- History : Czech, German, and noble : status and national identity in Habsburg Bohemia / Rita Krueger  2009 1
Nobility -- Czech Republic -- Sources -- Exhibitions : Z Trevisa do Brtnice : Příběhy šlechtického rodu Collalto ukryté v českých archivech : (katalog výstavy) = Da Treviso a Brtnice : storie della famiglia nobile dei Collalto nascoste negli archivi cechi : (catalogo della mostra) / k vydání připravili Petr Elbel, Ondřej Schmidt ve spolupráci se Stanislavem Bártou ; překlad: Andreas Pieralli, Eva Ripamonti, Fabio Ripamonti  2019 1
Nobility -- Death : Les morts mystérieuses de l'Histoire. Tome I, Rois, reines et princes français de Charlemagne à Louis XIII / Augustin Cabanès  2015 1
Nobility -- Drama.   8
Nobility -- Early works to 1800 : El Nobiliario vero y el pensamiento aristocrático del siglo XV / [a cargo de] José Julio Martín Romero  2019 1
Nobility -- Economic conditions   3
Nobility -- Education : Becoming a French aristocrat : the education of the court nobility, 1580-1715 / Mark Motley  1990 1
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