Niedergelassener Arzt : Private practice in the early twentieth-century medical office of Dr. Richard Cabot / Christopher Crenner
Niedergerichtsbarkeit : Rwanda's Gacaca courts : between retribution and reparation / Paul Christoph Bornkamm
Niederkalifornien : Postborder city : cultural spaces of Bajalta California / edited by Michael Dear and Gustavo Leclerc ; with contributions by Jo-Anne Berelowitz [and others]
Niederlande Archiv Führer : Sources for the mutual history of Ghana and the Netherlands : an annotated guide to the Dutch archives relating to Ghana and West Africa in the Nationaal Archief, 1593-1960s / Michel R. Doortmont & Jinna Smit
Niederlande Motiv : Travel writing in Dutch and German, 1790-1930 : modernity, regionality, mobility / edited by Alison E. Martin, Lut Missinne, and Beatrix van Dam
Niedermayr, Walter, 1952- -- Exhibitions. : Walter Niedermayr, Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, Sanaa / [edited by deSingel, International Arts Centre ; supervising editor, Moritz Küng]
Niedersachsen : Clankriminalität als Gefahr für die Innere Sicherheit (I) Hintergründe eines kriminellen Phänomens
Niederschlag : Runoff prediction in ungauged basins : synthesis across processes, places and scales / edited by Günter Blöschl, Technische Universität Wien, Austria, Murugesu Sivapalan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Thorsten Wagener, University of Bristol, Alberto Viglione, Technische Universität Wien, Austria, Hubert Savenije, Technische Universiteit Delft, the Netherlands