Nicaragua Africans Atlantic Coast History : The Black Creoles : memories and identities / Luna Films presents ; direction, production and script, María José Alvarez, Martha Clarissa Hernández
Nicaragua Americans History 19th century : A different manifest destiny : U.S. southern identity and citizenship in nineteenth-century South America / Claire M. Wolnisty
Nicaragua Best friends : La pantalla desnuda = Naked screen / una producción de Camila Films ; una película escrita y dirigida por Florence Jaugey ; producida por Florence Jaugey & Frank Pineda
Nicaragua Biomedical engineering Case studies : Medical devices and biomaterials for the developing world : case studies in Ghana and Nicaragua / Olumurejiwa A. Fatunde, Sujata K. Bhatia
Nicaragua Birds Identification : Birds of Nicaragua : a field guide / Liliana Chavarría-Duriaux, David C. Hille ; illustrated by Robert Dean
Nicaragua Black people Atlantic Coast : Lubaraun / directed by Martha Clarissa Hernández, María José Alvarez ; narrated by Laurie Cordua Cruz ; produced by María José Alvarez, Martha Clarissa Hernandez, Luna Films
Nicaragua Black people Atlantic Coast History : The Black Creoles : memories and identities / Luna Films presents ; direction, production and script, María José Alvarez, Martha Clarissa Hernández
Nicaragua Children Managua : A mi lado = (By my side) / JCDe Productions presents ; a film by Jean-Cosme Delaloye ; produced by Jean-Cosme Delaloye ; directed by Jean-Cosme Delaloye
Nicaragua -- Church history -- 19th century : The awakening coast : an anthology of Moravian writings from Mosquitia and eastern Nicaragua, 1849-1899 / edited, translated, and annotated by Karl Offen and Terry Rugeley