New South Wales. Office of the Minister for Police and Emergency Services / : The circumstances which resulted in the resignation of the Honourable E.P. Pickering, MLC, as Minister for Police and Emergency Services : first report / Parliament of New South Wales, the Joint Select Committee upon Police Administration
New South Wales. Office of the Privacy Commissioner -- See Privacy NSW
New South Wales -- Officials and employees -- Attitudes. : Unravelling corruption : a public sector perspective : survey of NSW public sector employees' understanding of corruption and their willingness to take action : summary report / Independent Commission Against Corruption
New South Wales Older people Care Australia Western Sydney Planning : Ciao 60 final report : International Year of Older Persons Greater Western Sydney Regional Consultation Project : what should happen to make living better now, and for future generations of older people? / researched and written by Colin Berryman for the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
New South Wales Older people Drug use Australia : Older people and quality use of medicines : exploring the role of the Primary Health Nurse in domiciliary medication review and management : final report / [South Western Sydney Area Health Service and University of Western Sydney Macarthur]
New South Wales Older people Services for Australia Sydney : Access to home and community care services by the NESB frail aged, younger people with disabilities and their carers : a review of literature and an examination of data for the Northern Sydney region : a report prepared for Northern Sydney Health / by Kate McMaugh
New South Wales Older people Services for Australia Western Sydney Planning : Ciao 60 final report : International Year of Older Persons Greater Western Sydney Regional Consultation Project : what should happen to make living better now, and for future generations of older people? / researched and written by Colin Berryman for the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils