Here are entered works on adult children residing with parents, either having never left home or having returned home after a period of independent living
Nestlé Alimentana Company. / : Infant feeding : anatomy of a controversy, 1973-1984 / edited by John Dobbing ; with a foreword by Frank Falkner
Nestlé Nutrition S.A. / : The dilemma of third world nutrition : Nestlé and the role of infant formula : a report / prepared for Nestlé S. A. by Maggie McComas, Geoffrey Fookes and George Taucher ; reviewed for medical accuracy by Prof. Frank T. Falkner
Nestl̐Μưe : Modernisation of dairy farms : the case of Nestl̐Μưe's Dairy Farming Institute in China / Yu Gong, (Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK), Fu Jia, (Business School, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK), Steve Brown, (Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK)
Nestor, Larry. : Something about the author. Volume 149 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Lisa Kumar, project editor