Naturrecht Feyerabend Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 : Auf dem Weg zur kritischen Rechtslehre? : Naturrecht, Moralphilosophie und Eigentumstheorie in Kants "Naturrecht Feyerabend" / Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, Gianluca Sadun Bordoni
Naturresurser -- Indonesien. : Working with nature against poverty : development, resources and the environment in eastern Indonesia / edited by Budy P. Resosudarmo and Frank Jotzo
Naturresurser -- konferenser. : Linkages of sustainability / edited by Thomas E. Graedel and Ester van der Voet ; program advisory committee, Thomas E. Graedel [and others]
Naturresurser -- Tanzania. : Putting Tanzania's hidden economy to work : reform, management, and protection of its natural resource sector
Naturresurser -- U-länder. : Development and local knowledge : new approaches to issues in natural resources management, conservation and agriculture / edited by Alan Bicker, Paul Sillitoe and Johan Pottier
An essential amino acid that is necessary for normal growth in infants and for NITROGEN balance in adults. It is a precursor of INDOLE ALKALOIDS in plants. It is a precursor of SEROTONIN (hence its use as an antidepressant and sleep aid). It can be a precursor to NIACIN, albeit inefficiently, in mammals
Naturvetenskap -- historia -- Storbritannien. : Science and empire : knowledge and networks of science across the British Empire, 1800-1970 / edited by Brett M. Bennett [and] Joseph M. Hodge
Naturvetenskap i litteraturen. : Epistemologische Fiktionen : zur Interferenz von Literatur und Wissenschaft seit der Aufklärung / Thomas Klinkert