National Crime Information Center (U.S.) / : Providing for the consideration of H.R. 1501, Consequences for Juvenile Offenders Act of 1999, and H.R. 2122, Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act of 1999 : report (to accompany H. Res. 209)
National Crimes Commission (Australia) : A National Crimes Commission?, June 1983 / the Hon. M.J. Young, Special Minister of State, Senator the Hon. Gareth Evans, Attorney-General
National debt of the united states. : Case studies of fiscal councils : functions and impact / prepared by Teresa Curristine, Jason Harris, and Johann Seiwald ; approved by Carlo Cottarelli
Here are entered works on government debts. Works on public and or private debts owed to foreign creditors are entered under Debts, External
National declaration on the League of Nations and armaments : The peace ballot: the official history / by Dame Adelaide Livingstone ; in collaboration with Margorie Scott Johnston ; with a statistical survey of the results of the ballot by Walter Ashley ; and conclusion by Viscount Cecil
National defence. : Missile defense and defeat : considerations for the new policy review / project director and editor, Thomas Karako ; contributing authors, Keith B. Payne, Brad Roberts, Henry A. Obering III, Kenneth Todorov, Thomas Karako
National Defense Intelligence College (U.S.) -- Curricula : Review of the National Defense Intelligence College's master's degress in science and technology intelligence / Committee for the Review of the Master's Degree Program for Science and Technology Intelligence Professionals, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
--subdivision Defenses under names of countries, etc; and subdivision Operational readiness under military services, e.g. United States--Armed Forces--Operational readiness
National Deficit Surplus. : Quasi-fiscal deficit in nonfinancial enterprises / prepared by Robert Tchaidze
National Democratic Alliance (Sudan) / : Gender, race, and Sudan's exile politics : do we all belong to this country? / Nada Mustafa Ali