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Description Miscellaneous Health resources covers free individual resources in the health discipline.
Subject area Open Access
Other name Misc health


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Publisher Website Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer control research report / authors: Miller, J. ... [and others]
Publisher Website Anatomy of the human body / Henry Gray
Publisher Website Assessing, training and recruiting Indigenous carers
Publisher Website Australian guidelines for water recycling : managing health and environmental risks (phase 1) / Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, Environment Protection and Heritage Council, Australian Health Ministers' Conference ; edited by Biotext Pty. Ltd
Publisher Website Australia's health 2002 : the eighth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Publisher Website Australia's health 2012 : the thirteenth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Publisher Website Australian health management plan for pandemic influenza 2008 : important information for all Australians
Publisher Website Best practice approaches to minimise functional decline in the older person across the acute, sub-acute and residential aged care settings / developed by the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, Melbourne Health
Publisher Website Better housing better health in Leeds : cost-benefit analysis of improving living conditions / Geoff Green, Bernard Stafford, Paul Pugh
Publisher Website Better medication management for aboriginal people with mental health disorders and their carers : report on research conducted in the Port Lincoln region
Publisher Website Beyond bandaids : exploring the underlying social determinants of Aboriginal health : papers from the Social Determinants of Aboriginal Health Workshop, Adelaide, July 2004 / edited by Ian Anderson, Fran Baum and Michael Bentley
Publisher Website Beyond petrol sniffing : renewing hope for Indigenous communities / The Senate Community Affairs References Committee
Publisher Website Beyond sandy blight : five Aboriginal experiences as staff on the National Trachoma and Eye Health Program / Jilpia Jones ... [and others]
Publisher Website Breast cancer and early menopause : a guide for younger women
Publisher Website Bridging the digital divide : the role of community online access centres in indigenous communities / A.E. Daly
Publisher Website Building a 21st century primary health care system : a draft of Australia's first national primary health care strategy
Publisher Website Caring for diabetes in children and adolescents / editors: Geoffery Ambler, Fergus Cameron
Publisher Website Caring for older Australians / Australian Government, Productivity Commission
Publisher Website Changing the narrative in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research : four cooperative research centres and the Lowitja Institute: the story so far / prepared by Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies & the Lowitja Institute
Publisher Website Characteristics of promising Indigenous out-of-home care programs and services