Nature -- Australia -- Pictorial works -- Juvenile literature : Tamarra : a story of termites on Gurindji Country / words: Violet Wadrill, Topsy Dodd Mgamjal, Leah Leaman, Cecelia Edwards, Cassandra Algy, Felicity Meakins, Briony Barr, Gregory Crocetti ; artwork and photography: Topsy Dodd Mgamjal, Violet Wadrill, [and twenty-four others], Kalkaringi School students
Nature Based Computing. : Advances in Swarm Intelligence for Optimizing Problems in Computer Science / edited by Anand Nayyar, Dac-Nhuong Le and Nhu Gia Nguyen
Nature -- Bibical teaching : The Yahwist's landscape : nature and religion in early Israel / Theodore Hiebert
Nature Conservancy (Great Britain) -- History. / : Shaping ecology : the life of Arthur Tansley / Peter Ayres
Nature conservation -- Arctic regions : WWF and Arctic environmentalism : Conservationism and the ENGO in the Circumpolar North / Danita Catherine Burke
Nature conservation -- Argentina : Ecosystem and cultural services : environmental, legal and social perspectives in Argentina / Clara María Minaverry, Sebastián Valverde, editors
Nature conservation -- Australasia -- Congresses. : Proceedings of the ANZECC 6th Australasian Regional Seminar on National Parks and Wildlife Management, Australian Alps 1994, 13-27 March 1994 / edited by Ian Meek [et al...]