Mythology Idaho [Literature] 1993 : Mapping the invisible landscape : folklore, writing, and the sense of place / by Kent C. Ryden ; foreword by Wayne Franklin
Mythology Imperialism : Gründung und Untergang von Staaten und Kulturen durch Mythen und deren Fehlen : weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen / Jürgen Bellers ; Markus Porsche-Ludwig
Mythology in literature -- Congresses. : Refashioning myth : poetic transformations and metamorphoses / edited by Jessica L. Wilkinson, Eric Parisot and David McInnis
Mythology in literature -- Dictionaries : Chaucer Name Dictionary : a guide to astrological, biblical, historical, literary, and mythological names in the works of Geoffrey Chaucer / Jacqueline de Weever
Mythology -- Juvenile literature -- Indexes. : Myths and hero tales : a cross-cultural guide to literature for children and young adults / Alethea K. Helbig and Agnes Regan Perkins
Mythology, Lardil. : People, countries, and the rainbow serpent : systems of classification among the Lardil of Mornington Island / David McKnight
Mythology Lesbianism Encyclopedias : Cassell's encyclopedia of queer myth, symbol, and spirit : gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender lore / Randy P. Conner, David Hatfield Sparks, Mariya Sparks ; foreword by Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Mythology Lesbianism History : Female homosexuality in ancient Greece and Rome / Sandra Boehringer ; translated from the French by Anna Preger