Muslims Spain -- See Also the narrower term Moriscos
Here are entered works on Muslims in Spain after about 1492 who were converted to Christianity by decree. Works on Muslims living in Spain under Christian protection before 1492 who did not convert to Christianity are entered under the heading Mudéjares. Works including both Mudéjares and Moriscos are entered under Moriscos
Muslims -- Spain -- Ethnic identity -- History : To live like a Moor : Christian perceptions of Muslim identity in medieval and early modern Spain / Olivia Remie Constable ; edited by Robin Vose ; foreword by David Nirenberg
Muslims -- Spain -- Granada : Spain unmoored : migration, conversion, and the politics of Islam / Mikaela H. Rogozen-Soltar
Muslims -- Spain -- Granada (Province) -- History : A memorandum for the president of the royal audiencia and chancery court of the city and Kingdom of Granada / Francisco Núñez Muley ; edited and translated by Vincent Barletta
Muslims -- Spain -- History -- 711-1492 : Spanish Islam : a history of the Moslems in Spain / by Reinhart Dozy. Translated with a biographical introduction and additional notes by Francis Griffin Stokes
Muslims -- Spain -- Public opinion -- History : To live like a Moor : Christian perceptions of Muslim identity in medieval and early modern Spain / Olivia Remie Constable ; edited by Robin Vose ; foreword by David Nirenberg
Muslims -- Spain -- Social life and customs : To live like a Moor : Christian perceptions of Muslim identity in medieval and early modern Spain / Olivia Remie Constable ; edited by Robin Vose ; foreword by David Nirenberg
Muslims -- Spain -- Social life and customs -- History : To live like a Moor : Christian perceptions of Muslim identity in medieval and early modern Spain / Olivia Remie Constable ; edited by Robin Vose ; foreword by David Nirenberg
Muslims -- Stereotypes -- Drama : BBQ Muslims / a film by Zarqa Nawaz ; Death threat / Fundamentalist Films in association with Fleeting Glimpse Productions ; produced by Mark Tollefson and Zarqa Nawaz ; written and directed by Zarqa Nawaz