Museum architecture -- Georgia -- Atlanta. : High Museum of Art : the new building, a chronicle of planning, design, and construction : published on the occasion of the dedication of the new facility, October 6, 1983
Museum architecture -- Germany (West) : Museumsbau in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland = Museum architecture in the Federal Republic of Germany = La construction de musées en République fédérale d'Allemagne = Arquitectura de museos en la República Federal de Alemania = Arquitetura de museus na República Federal da Alemanha = L'architettura dei musei nella Repubblica Federale di Germania
Museum architecture -- Switzerland -- Bern. : Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern - the architecture / [Benedikt Loderer; editorial direction Ursina Barandun and Nathalie Gygax Huber; translations Amanda Crain]
Museum archives -- Management : Museum and archive on the move : changing cultural institutions in the digital era / Oliver Grau (ed.), with Wendy Coones and Viola Rühse
Museum attendance -- Australia. : Indigenous youth and museums : a report on the Indigenous Youth Access project / Lynda Kelly, Allison Bartlett, Phil Gordon
Museum attendance -- Québec (Province) : Courants contemporains de recherche en éducation muséale / sous la direction de Tamara Lemerise, Dany Lussier-Desrochers et Vitor Matias = Contemporary research trends in museum education / edited by Tamara Lemerise, Dany Lussier-Desrochers et Vitor Matias
Museum attendance -- Statistics : Learn about frequency distributions in SPSS with data from the General Social Survey (2012) / Luke Sloan & Rob Angell
Museum Beelden aan Zee -- Exhibitions. / : The unwanted land / Tiong Ang ... [[and others] ; redactie, Dick van Broekhuizen ... [and others] ; translation, Gerard Forde ... [and others]]
Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen -- Catalogs. / : Tekeningen van Rembrandt en zijn school. English