IUTAM symposium on computational approaches to multiphase flow : proceedings of an IUTAM symposium held at Argonne National Laboratory, October 4-7, 2004 / edited by S. Balachandar and A. Prosperetti
An Updated Classification Map of Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows; On Fluid-Particle and Particle-Particle Interactons in Gas-Solid Turbulent Channel Flow; Simulation of Particle Diffusion, Segregation, and Intermittency in Turbulent Flows; Use of a Stochastic Method to Describe Dispersion and Deposition in an Idealized Annular Flow; On Momentum Coupling Methods for Calculation of Turbulence Attenuation in Dilute Particle-Laden Gas Flows; Multifractal Concentrations of Heavy Particles in Random Flows; Turbulence Modulation by Micro-Particles in Boundary Layers
Stochastic Diffusion of Finite Inertia Particles in Non-Homogeneous TurbulenceAccumulation of Heavy Particles in Bounded Vortex Flow; A Numerical Study of Planar Wave Instabilities in Liquid-Fluidized Beds; Lattice Boltzmann Simulations to Determine Forces Acting on Non-Spherical Particles; Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Drop Motion on Uniform and Non-Uniform Solid Surfaces; Fluctuating Immersed Material (FIMAT) Dynamics for the Direct
Provides an overview of the computational activities in multiphase flow as presented by top practitioners in the field. This book discusses methods for large-eddy simulations, extended particles in Navier-Stokes flows, the lattice-Boltzmann method, molecular dynamics techniques and compressible flows with shock waves