Mouth -- Diseases -- Early works to 1800 : Ibn al-Jazzār's Zād al-musāfir wa- qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the traveller and nourishment for the sedentary, Books I and II : diseases of the head and the face / a parallel Arabic-English translation by Gerrit Bos, Fabian Käs ; with critical editions of the medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos ; and medieval Latin translation by Michael R. McVaugh
Mouth -- Diseases -- United States -- Prevention : The U.S. oral health workforce in the coming decade : workshop summary / Tracy A. Harris, rapporteur ; Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Mouth Diseases -- veterinary : Blackwell's five-minute veterinary consult clinical companion : Small animal dentistry / Heidi B. Lobprise
Devices or pieces of equipment placed in or around the mouth or attached to instruments to protect the external or internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth
Devices or pieces of equipment placed in or around the mouth or attached to instruments to protect the external or internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth
Mouth -- Infection -- Prevention : Basic guide to infection prevention and control in dentistry / Dr Caroline L. Pankhurst, Professor Wilson A. Coulter