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Title The Missions of California. Part 6 : Class Project: The Making of a Mission & Mission Glossary / Written, Produced and Directed by Chip Taylor Communications
Published [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2015


Description 1 online resource (20 minutes)
Summary 12. Class Project - The Making of a Mission Studying the Missions of California is an important part of all children's education in their state - and it's a great U.S. history lesson for children outside of California. This "hands on" program offers two creative class projects presented by 4th grade boys and girls. In the first project we see students literally creating adobe bricks by hand just as the Mission Indians did hundreds of years ago. It gets a bit messy - but it's a whole lot of fun! The second project unveils a number of mission structure models students made by hand and constructed of all types of building materials - including kidney beans and lasagna! After viewing, attempting either project is highly recommended!
13. Mission Glossary Game The chain of 21 Spanish missions along El Camino Real, the King's Highway, are an important part of the state's history; each is a tangible reminder of days past, rich with memories of a convergence of cultures, which eventually led to the melting pot we now know as California. As part of a complete education, students in California are required to learn about these beloved Missions and their history, and one of the best ways to learn about a topic is to know key vocabulary words. This program presents the "Mission Glossary Game," a motivational multiple-choice game that provides young viewers with a fun and challenging opportunity to test themselves by reviewing important words and topics associated with the "Missions of California Series." After the quiz the correct answers appear on the screen to reinforce all that's been learned in viewing the programs. Learning the words helps them become better readers as well as preparing them to better understand the history of this period of time
Event Originally produced by Chip Taylor Communications in 2011
Notes In English
Subject Church architecture -- California
Missions, Spanish -- California
Church architecture.
Missions, Spanish.
California -- History.
Genre/Form documentary film.
Documentary films.
Documentary films.
Form Streaming video
Author Blonski, David, filmmaker
Taylor, Chip, filmmaker
Kanopy (Firm)
Other Titles California Missions 12 & 13