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Title The Missions of California. Part 1 : Father Junipero Serra and Mission Carmel / Written, Produced and Directed by Chip Taylor Communications
Published [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2015


Description 1 online resource (20 minutes)
Series The Missions of California
Summary 1. Father Junipero Serra "Highly Recommended. Shot on location in California, this program discusses the historical importance of Franciscan missionary Junipero Serra, who is considered the founder of the California missions. The program is well documented and offers a lot of information in a short time. The illustrations are excellent, making the viewer feel like he or she is actually there. At the end, scholar Richard Menn gives a short summary on the research that has been done on Serra by those who want him canonized." -Booklist You will find a statue of Junipero Serra (1713-1784) in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and in the U.S. Capitol; you will hear how Pope John Paul II beatified the priest in 1987 - the 2nd step toward sainthood in the Catholic church; still, outside of California, few know the story of this legendary Franciscan missionary, who at the age of 56 founded the first of California's 21 missions (Mission San Diego, 1769) and went on to found 8 others, including his personal headquarters in what was then called Alta California, Mission San Carlos Borromeo at Carmel, before his death. Despite controversies that surround his strict disciplining of Native Americans, one has to recognize the zeal and determination of the man in doing what he believed was sincere missionary work, and to measure his accomplishments in the context of the colonial era in which he lived; overall, as we see here in this acclaimed biographical profile, his leadership proved critical to the founding of California, opennig an important page to the history of the American West
2. Mission Carmel One of the most striking and unique of California's 21 missions is Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo or, simply, Mission Carmel. Located at the mouth of the magnificent Carmel Valley, which overlooks the Pacific Ocean, the mission is one of the state's most outstanding historic landmarks. Originally, on June 3, 1770, Father Junipero Serra founded the mission at the site of the presidio chapel on the other side of the Monterey Peninsula; then, a year later, the padre, wanting to separate the Native Americans from the Spanish soldiers, moved the mission to its present site where he set up his headquarters as Father-President. This, the second mission founded by Father Serra, was his favorite, and it is only fitting that here you find his final resting place under the altar in the beautiful Basilica. The beautiful stone church is like no other in the chain. From the distinctive bell tower outside to the tapered walls inside the Moorish architectural influence creates an air of stateliness, which is fitting for such an important structure
Analysis North American Studies
Event Originally produced by Chip Taylor Communications in 2011
Notes In English
Subject Serra, Junípero, Saint, 1713-1784.
Serra, Junípero, Saint, 1713-1784.
Mission San Carlos Borromeo (Carmel, Calif.)
Mission San Carlos Borromeo (Carmel, Calif.)
Church architecture -- California
Missions, Spanish -- California
Church architecture.
Missions, Spanish.
California -- History.
Genre/Form documentary film.
Documentary films.
Documentary films.
Form Streaming video
Author Kanopy (Firm)
Other Titles California Missions 1 & 2