Minority women -- Sydney -- Social conditions : Refugee women - still at risk in Australia : a study of the first two years of resettlement in the Sydney metropolitan area / Eileen Pittaway
Minority women teachers : Beyond retention : cultivating spaces of equity, justice, and fairness for women of color in U.S. higher education / edited by Brenda L.H. Marina and Sabrina Ross
Minority women teachers -- United States : Beyond retention : cultivating spaces of equity, justice, and fairness for women of color in U.S. higher education / edited by Brenda L.H. Marina and Sabrina Ross
Minority women -- United States -- History -- 20th century : Millennium evenings at the White House. [Episode] 6. Women as citizens : vital voices through the century / [lecture presented by Alice Kessler-Harris, Nancy Cott, and Ruth Simmons]
Minority women -- Violence against -- Europe : Violence against women and ethnicity : commonalities and differences across Europe / Ravi K. Thiara, Stephanie A. Condon, Monika Schröttle (editions.)
Minority youth -- California -- History : States of delinquency : race and science in the making of California's juvenile justice system / Miroslava Chavez-Garcia
Minority youth -- Canada. : Kids, skidoos and caribou : the junior Canadian ranger program as a model for re-engaging indigenous Australian youth in remote areas / R.G. Schwab
Minority youth -- Czech Republic -- Social conditions : Mladí a nevšední : studie občanského života mladých lidí z etnických menšin a majority v České republice / Jan Šerek, Zuzana Petrovičová & Michaela Porubanová-Norquist