Mining machinery -- Corrosion -- Prevention : Predicting internal corrosion in oil and gas exploration and production operations : scientific and technical guide / CEFRACOR ; Workgroup "Corrosion interne Oil & Gas", Commission "Corrosion in Energy and Process Industries."
Mining machinery -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. : Gold mining machinery : its selection, arrangement, & installation : a practical handbook for the use of mine managers and engineers, including particulars for the preparation of specifications and estimates / by W.H. Tinney, with numerous illustrations
Mining machinery -- History. : A short history of British metal mining technology in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Roger Burt
Mining (S. Aust.) -- History : Record of the mines of South Australia / compiled, under the authority of the Hon. Laurence O'Loughlin, M.P., Minister of Mines, by Lionel C.E. Gee
Mining -- standards. : Radiation protection in mining and milling of uranium and thorium : proceedings of a symposium organised by the International Labour Office and the French Atomic Energy Commission, in co-operation with the World Health Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Bordeaux (France), 9-11 September 1974
Mining towns -- Australia : Resource communities : settlement and workforce issues / editors, T.B. Brealey, C.C. Neil, P.W. Newton
Mining towns -- Australia -- Social conditions : Women and services in remote company dominated mining towns : a report to the Department of Primary Industries & Energy / by Ruth I. Sturmey