Mining law -- Alaska : Public land and mining laws of Alaska, the Northwest Territory, and the Province of British Columbia / compiled by Gilbert Wyman
Mining law -- Argentina -- History : El Perito Incógnito y el Curioso Aprovechado Tratado de Minería inédito Del Virreinato Del Río de la Plata
Mining law -- Arizona : A Manual of the mining laws of the United States, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona : containing statutes complete, with the latest amendments, decisions of the courts and Land Office : notes, forms, diagrams, suggestions, etc. / by Charles S. Wilson with the assistance of S.W. Carpenter
Mining law -- Australia -- Cases. : A digest of Australasian mining cases as decided in the supreme courts of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and New Zealand, and on appeal therefrom to the Privy Council / by James G. Eagleson, W.A. Sanderson and Bernard P. O'Dowd
Mining law -- Australia -- Digests. : A digest of Australasian mining cases as decided in the supreme courts of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and New Zealand, and on appeal therefrom to the Privy Council / by James G. Eagleson, W.A. Sanderson and Bernard P. O'Dowd
Mining law -- British Columbia : Public land and mining laws of Alaska, the Northwest Territory, and the Province of British Columbia / compiled by Gilbert Wyman
Mining law -- Canada -- Cases : Mining and water cases annotated : a collection of leading American, Canadian and English cases on the topics of irrigation, drainage, reclamation, mining, oil, gas and related subjects, with annotations, indexes and forms / by James M. Kerr (of the California Bar, Editor of Kerr's Cyclopedic California Codes, and the Publisher's Editorial Staff)
Mining law -- Canada -- Digests : The mining laws of Canada : a digest of dominion and provincial laws affecting mining / Mines Branch, Department of Mines, Ottawa, Canada
Mining law -- Cases : Foreign mining investment law : the cases of Australia, South Africa and Colombia / Richard W. Roeder
Mining law -- Great Britain -- Cases : Mining and water cases annotated : a collection of leading American, Canadian and English cases on the topics of irrigation, drainage, reclamation, mining, oil, gas and related subjects, with annotations, indexes and forms / by James M. Kerr (of the California Bar, Editor of Kerr's Cyclopedic California Codes, and the Publisher's Editorial Staff)
Mining law -- Indonesia : Mining law & regulatory practice in Indonesia : a primary reference source / Bill Sullivan and Christian Teo Purwono & Partners ; in association with Stephenson Harwood LLP
Mining law -- Italy : Profili civilistici di diritto minerario / Angelo Chianale
Mining law -- New Zealand -- Cases. : A digest of Australasian mining cases as decided in the supreme courts of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and New Zealand, and on appeal therefrom to the Privy Council / by James G. Eagleson, W.A. Sanderson and Bernard P. O'Dowd
Mining law -- New Zealand -- Digests. : A digest of Australasian mining cases as decided in the supreme courts of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and New Zealand, and on appeal therefrom to the Privy Council / by James G. Eagleson, W.A. Sanderson and Bernard P. O'Dowd
Mining law -- Northwest Territories : Public land and mining laws of Alaska, the Northwest Territory, and the Province of British Columbia / compiled by Gilbert Wyman
Mining law -- Papua New Guinea : Community futures, legal architecture : foundations for indigenous peoples in the global mining boom / edited by Marcia Langton and Judy Longbottom