Procedures that avoid use of open, invasive surgery in favor of closed or local surgery. These generally involve use of laparoscopic devices and remote-controlled manipulation of instruments with indirect observation of the surgical field through an endoscope or similar device
Procedures that avoid use of open, invasive surgery in favor of closed or local surgery. These generally involve use of laparoscopic devices and remote-controlled manipulation of instruments with indirect observation of the surgical field through an endoscope or similar device
Minimalbearbeitung : Green fields forever : the conservation tillage revolution in America / Charles E. Little
Minimalism (Literature) -- United States : Simplify, simplify! : Brevity, plainness and their complications in American literature and culture : Festschrift for Bernd Engler on the occasion of his 65th birthday / Isabell Klaiber, Oliver Scheiding, Jan Stievermann (eds.)
Vegetative state refers to the neurocognitive status of individuals with severe brain damage, in whom physiologic functions (sleep-wake cycles, autonomic control, and breathing) persist, but awareness (including all cognitive function and emotion) is abolished
Procedures that avoid use of open, invasive surgery in favor of closed or local surgery. These generally involve use of laparoscopic devices and remote-controlled manipulation of instruments with indirect observation of the surgical field through an endoscope or similar device