Militärbaser -- Kuba. : The Guantánamo files : the stories of the 774 detainees in America's illegal prison / Andy Worthington
Militärbau : Roman military architecture on the frontiers : armies and their architecture in late antiquity / Rob Collins, Matthew Symonds and Meike Weber
Militären. : Beyond Rosie : a documentary history of women and World War II / edited by Julia Brock, Jennifer W. Dickey, Richard J.W. Harker, and Catherine M. Lewis
Militares : La semilla en el surco Adalberto Tejeda y el radicalismo en Veracruz, (1883-1960) / Romana Falcón, Soledad García Morales ; con la colaboración de Ma. Eugenia Terrones
Militärflugwesen. : Why air forces fail : the anatomy of defeat / edited by Robin Higham and Stephen J. Harris
militärhistoria Japan 1937-1945 : The battle for China : essays on the military history of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945 / edited by Mark Peattie, Edward Drea, and Hans van de Ven
militärhistoria Kina : Fishing wars and environmental change in late imperial and modern China / Micah S. Muscolino
militärhistoria Kina 1937-1945 : The battle for China : essays on the military history of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945 / edited by Mark Peattie, Edward Drea, and Hans van de Ven
militärhistoria Spanien 1567-1659 : The road to Rocroi : class, culture, and command in the Spanish Army of Flanders, 1567-1659 / by Fernando González de León