Middle East Kurds History : A people without a state : the Kurds from the rise of Islam to the dawn of nationalism / Michael Eppel
Middle East Kurds Periodicals : Kurdish newsletter : newsletter of the Kurdish Study Group, Centre for the Study of Asia & the Middle East, Deakin University
Middle East Kurds Politics and government : Between state and non-state : politics and society in Kurdistan-Iraq and Palestine / edited by Gülistan Gürbey, Sabine Hofmann, Ferhad Ibrahim Seyder
Middle East Labor market History 21st century : Jobs for shared prosperity : time for action in the Middle East and North Africa / Roberta Gatti, Matteo Morgandi, Rebekka Grun, Stefanie Brodmann, Diego Angel-Urdinola, Juan Manuel Moreno, Daniela Marotta, Marc Schiffbauer, and Elizabeth Mata Lorenzo
Middle East Land settlement History : Agency and identity in the ancient Near East : new paths forward / edited by Sharon R. Steadman and Jennifer C. Ross
Middle East Land settlement patterns : The Byzantine and early Islamic Near East. Volume 2, Land use and settlement patterns / edited by Geoffrey King, Averil Cameron
Middle East Land use Government policy : Land matters : can better governance and management of scarcity prevent a looming crisis in the Middle East and North Africa? / Anna Corsi and Harris Selod
Middle East Land use, Rural : People, Land and Water in the Arab Middle East : Environments and Landscapes in the Bilad ash-Sham
Middle East Land use, Rural History : Landscapes of the Islamic World : archaeology, history, and ethnography / edited by Stephen McPhillips and Paul D. Wordsworth
Middle East Land use Social aspects History To 1500 Congresses : Bones and identity : zooarchaeological approaches to reconstructing social and cultural landscapes in Southwest Asia / edited by Nimrod Marom, Reuven Yeshurun, Lior Weissbrod and Guy Bar-Oz
Middle East Landscape archaeology : New agendas in remote sensing and landscape archaeology in the Near East : studies in honour of Tony J. Wilkinson / edited by Dan Lawrence, Mark Altaweel and Graham Philip
Middle East Language and culture Congresses : Reflections on knowledge and language in Middle Eastern societies / edited by Bruno De Nicola, Yonatan Mendel, and Husain Qutbuddin
Middle East Language and culture History : Arabic and its alternatives : religious minorities and their languages in the emerging nation states of the Middle East (1920-1950) / edited by Heleen Murre-van den Berg, Karène Sanchez, Tijmen C. Baarda
Middle East Language planning : Language and society in the Middle East and North Africa : studies in variation and identity / edited by Yasir Suleiman
Middle East -- Languages -- Congresses : Reflections on knowledge and language in Middle Eastern societies / edited by Bruno De Nicola, Yonatan Mendel, and Husain Qutbuddin
Middle East Languages in contact Congresses : Linguistic and cultural interactions between Greece and Anatolia : in search of the golden fleece / edited by Michele Bianconi
Middle East Languages in contact History : Arabic and its alternatives : religious minorities and their languages in the emerging nation states of the Middle East (1920-1950) / edited by Heleen Murre-van den Berg, Karène Sanchez, Tijmen C. Baarda