Table of Contents |
Box 1:1 | Austral-asiatic section library, 1937 / Australian Institute of International Affairs (Victorian Division) | |
Box 1:2 | Books in your school, 1955 / H. C. Dent | |
Box 2:15 | Constitution of the Free Library Movement with an introductory note and a model branch constitution, 2nd ed. 1936 | |
Box 1:3 | Creed of a librarian : no politics, no religion, no morals, 1962 / D. J. Foskett | |
Box 1:4 | Crisis in cataloging : a paper read before the American Library Institute at the Harvard Faculty Club, June 21, 1941 / Andrew D. Osborn | |
Box 1:5 | Edward Edwards : his association with New South Wales its present state and future prospects, 1952 / John Metcalfe | |
Box 1:6 | Essential features of a good public library : report of a special committee of the association May, 1931 / Library Association of Victoria | |
Box 3:2 | Everyman's Library 1906-1968 | |
Box 1:7 | Exhibition of printed source material relating to Tasmania : synopsis, 1967 / Launceston Public Library | |
Box 2:16 | Free Library Movement and its implications, 1937 / I. L. Kandel | |
Box 1:8 | Free public libraries, 1936 / Free Library Movement | |
Box 2:17 | Free public libraries : report of an address by Mrs. Hubert Fairfax at the Conference of the Country Women's Association Orange, March 19, 1937 / Free Library Movement | |
Box 1:9 | IFLA core programme : preservation and conservation, 1995 / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions | |
Box 1:10 | Inter-library co-operation in England and Wales : report of the Working Party appointed by the Minister of Education in March 1961, 1962 / Ministry of Education | |
Box 1:11 | Investigating the value of Commonwealth records : a self-help appraisal handbook for Commonwealth agencies, 1987 / Australian Archives | |
Box 2:18 | Judge Foster's banned speech, 1938 / Council for Civil Liberties, Melbourne | |
Box 1:12 | Librarian's library : books in print, 1939 | |
Box 1:13 | Libraries : a necessity for democracy, 1938 / C. Hartley Grattan | |
Box 2:1 | Libraries and citizenship : extracts from a public lecture delivered at Canberra under the auspices of the New Educational Fellowship, 1937 / E. Salter Davies | |
Box 2:2 | Libraries and librarianship, 1912 / A Mere Librarian | |
Box 2:3 | Libraries in the Netherlands, 1961 / Netherlands Librarians Association | |
Box 2:4 | Libraries in the service of education, 1959 / D. J. Foskett | |
Box 2:5 | Library catalogue no.2, 1938 / Australian Institute of International Affairs (Victorian Branch) | |
Box 2:6 | Library, information and archive work, 1968 / Central Youth Employment Executive | |
Box 2:19 | Library of Congress and its work, 1907 | |
Box 2:7 | Microphotography in the library, 1962 / Alfred Günther | |
Box 2:8 | Municipal reference library, 1913 / City of New York | |
Box 3:1 | National archives of Australia Corporate plan 2006 to 2009, 2006 / National Archives of Australia | |
Box 2:9 | Public libraries in England and Wales, 1937 / Sir Percy Meadon | |
Box 2:10 | Public library, 1937 / Lloyd Vernor Ballard | |
Box 2:11 | Report of the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, with the reports of the Standing Committees, for ..., 1885 / Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia | |
Box 2:12 | Scholar-librarian : a paper read at the Adelaide Conference of the Library Association of Australasia on Friday, October 12, 1900, 1901 / A. Leeper | |
Box 2:120 | Silent library, 1998 / Marian Koren | |
Box 2:13 | Some thoughts on the Tasmanian Public Library, 1927 1881-1964 / E. Morris Miller | |
Box 2:14 | Souvenir brochure to mark the official opening of the St. Kilda Public Library ..., 1973 / City of St. Kilda | |