Metals, Heavy -- adverse effects : Environmental heavy metal pollution and effects on child mental development : risk assessment and prevention strategies / edited by Lubomir I. Simeonov, Mihail V. Kochubovski and Biana G. Simeonova
Metals, Heavy -- analysis : Interactions of nanomaterials with emerging environmental contaminants / Ruey-an Doong, editor, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Virender K. Sharma, editor, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida, United States, Hyunook Kim, editor, University of Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry
Metals, Heavy -- chemistry : Photochemistry and photophysics of coordination compounds / volume editors, Vincenzo Balzani, Sebastiano Campagna ; with contributions by G. Accorsi [and others]
Here are entered works on the heating of metals for the purpose of hot working. Works on the heating of metals to obtain desired properties are entered under Metals--Heat treatment --subdivision Heating under individual metals and types of metals
Metals -- Hot working -- Congresses. : Advances in hot deformation textures and microstructures : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by TMS and ASM International held during Materials Week in Pittsburgh, PA, October 18-20, 1993 / edited by John J. Jonas, Thomas R. Bieler, and Keith J. Bowman
Metals -- Impact testing -- Congresses. : Drop-weight test for determination of nil-ductility transition temperature, user's experience with ASTM method E 208 : a symposium, Williamsburg, VA, 28-29 Nov. 1984 / sponsored by ASTM Committee E-28 on Mechanical Testing ; John M. Holt and P.P. Puzak, editors
Metals -- Inclusions -- Congresses : Application of diamond and related materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th Conference on Application of Diamond and Related Materials in China (CADRM2010) and the 1st International Symposium on Advances in Brazed Superabrasive Tools (ISABS2010), August 19-23, 2010, Xiamen, China / edited by Xipeng Xu
Metals -- India : Uses of metals and metallic minerals / K.K. Chatterjee