Messina Earthquakes Italy 1908 : Messina e Reggio : primo e dopo il terremoto del 28 dicembre 1908 = Messina e Reggio : before and after the earthquake of December 28th 1908
Messina (Italy) -- History, Naval : Economic and social systems in the early modern age seaports : Malta, Messina, Barcelona, and Ottoman maritime policy / Elina Gugliuzzo ; with a foreword by Giuseppe Restifo
Messina (Italy) -- History -- Rebellion, 1674-1678. : The travels of the Abbé Carré in India and the Near East, 1672 to 1674. Volume III, Return journey to France, with an account of the Sicilian revolt against Spanish rule at Messina / edited by Sir Charles Fawcett with Sir Richard Burn
Messina, Strait of Suspension bridges Italy : The Messina strait bridge : a challenge and a dream / by Fabio Brancaleoni, Giorgio Diana, Ezio Faccioli, Giuseppe Fiammenghi, Ian P.T. Firth, Niels J. Gimsing, Michele Jamiolkowski, Peter Sluszka, Giovanni Solari, Gianluca Valensise and Enzo
Here are entered works on Latin Americans of mixed European and Indian descent. Works on the process of racial interbreeding in Latin America between Europeans and Indians and the blending of European and Indian cultures are entered under Mestizaje