Mentally ill -- Services for -- Ireland : Mental health social work in Ireland : comparative issues in policy and practice / edited by Jim Campbell, Roger Manktelow
Mentally ill -- Social networks -- Australia -- Queensland. : Finding people to be there : rebuilding a sense of belonging : a resource about developing community connections with people who have become isolated and socially vulnerable due to institutionalisation and mental health challenges / Neil Barringham, Penny Barringham
Mentally ill Social problems : A new view of insanity : in which is set forth the present mismanagement of public and private madhouses, all the late and existing defects of New Bethlem: with some suggestions towards a new remedy for that almost-universal disorder of the human race. By Richard Carlile
Mentally ill -- Treatment -- Europe -- History. : Madmen and the bourgeoisie : a social history of insanity and psychiatry / Klaus Doerner ; translated by Joachim Neugroschel and Jean Steinberg
Mentally ill Victoria Services for : Human rights & mental illness Victoria : report of the Reconvened Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness (Victoria) / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Here are entered works on pregnancy in women with pre-existing mental illness. Works on mental illness connected with pregnancy and childbirth are entered under Mental illness in pregnancy