Here are entered works on laws dealing with the care of the mentally ill, and people with mental disabilities. Works on the legal concept of insanity are entered under the heading Insanity (Law)
Mental health laws -- Canada. : Law and mental disorder : a comprehensive and practical approach / Hy Bloom, Richard D. Schneider, editors
Mental health laws -- Cases : From courtroom to clinic : legal cases that changed mental health treatment / edited by Peter Ash
Mental health laws -- Colombia : El Derecho Civil Inclusivo el nuevo modelo de discapacidad por enfermedad mental : La Innovación Tecnológica y la Solidaridad Como Sistema de Apoyo
Mental health laws -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Parental alienation : the handbook for mental health and legal professionals / edited by Demosthenes Lorandos, William Bernet, and S. Richard Sauber (with 11 other contributors)
Mental health laws -- History -- 20th century : Intellectual disability in the twentieth century : transnational perspectives on people, policy, and practice / edited by Jan Walmsley and Simon Jarrett
Mental health laws -- India : India's Mental Healthcare Act 2017 : building laws, protecting rights / Richard M. Duffy, Brendan D. Kelly ; with contributions by Soumitra Pathare, Arjun Kapoor
Mental health laws -- Latin America : Políticas terapéuticas y economías de sufrimiento : perspectivas y debates contemporáneos sobre las tecnologías psi / María E. Epele (compiladora) ; Diego Zenobi [and fifteen others]
Mental health laws -- Massachusetts. : The essentials of Massachusetts mental health law : a straightforward guide for clinicians of all disciplines / Stephen H. Behnke, James T. Hilliard
Mental health laws -- New York (State) -- New York : The extraordinary proceedings at the City Hall, New York, commenced May 21st and continued by adjournments to June 17th, 1833 : before David S. Jones, and Charles Graham, esquires, counsellors at law, and David Perkins, and John Stearns, M. Drs., commissioners, appointed by the Chancellor of the state of New-York, by virtue of a commission, in the nature of a writ de lunatico inquirendo, to enquire whether Joseph Wilfred Parkins, be a lunatic : combining the evidence, speeches of counsel, and singularly skilful and adroit defence of the alleged lunatice : the lucid and elaborate charges of the commissioners to the jury, with the legal documents appertaining to the commission, viz : the petition to the chancellor : affidavits : commission, and inquisition in full / reported and compiled by Joseph William Trust
Mental health laws -- Oceania : Accessing justice through mental health law reform in the pacific / Helen J. Ménard (Legal Consultant, Picnic Bay, Queensland, Australia)
Mental health laws -- Papua New Guinea. : Psychiatry and the law in the developing country : with special reference to the Territory of Papua and New Guinea / by B.G. Burton-Bradley
Mental health laws -- Study and teaching -- Australia. : Legal rights : a course for people with a learning difficulty or an intellectual disability : a kit for trainers / by Jenny Klause and Anne Rauch ; cartoons by Simon Kneebone and Merri Spencer
Mental health laws -- U.S. states : Legislation on insanity : a collection of all the lunacy laws of the states and territories of the United States to the year 1883, inclusive : also the law of England on insanity, legislation in Canada on private houses, and important portions of the lunacy laws of Germany, France, etc. / [compiled by] George L. Harrison