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Mental health laws -- England -- History -- 19th century.   2
Mental health laws -- Europe   3
Mental health laws -- European Union countries   2
Mental health laws -- Germany : Issues in Human Rights Protection of Intellectually Disabled Persons  2010 1
Mental health laws -- Great Britain   53
Mental health laws -- Great Britain -- History.   4
Mental health laws -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century   3
Mental health laws -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century : Looking after Miss Alexander : care, mental capacity, and the Court of Protection in mid-twentieth-century England / Janet Weston  2023 1
Mental health laws -- Great Britain -- Periodicals : Journal of mental health law  2011 1
Mental health laws -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Parental alienation : the handbook for mental health and legal professionals / edited by Demosthenes Lorandos, William Bernet, and S. Richard Sauber (with 11 other contributors)  2013 1
Mental health laws -- History -- 20th century : Intellectual disability in the twentieth century : transnational perspectives on people, policy, and practice / edited by Jan Walmsley and Simon Jarrett  2019 1
Mental health laws -- India : India's Mental Healthcare Act 2017 : building laws, protecting rights / Richard M. Duffy, Brendan D. Kelly ; with contributions by Soumitra Pathare, Arjun Kapoor  2020 1
Mental health laws -- Ireland : Dignity, mental health, and human rights : coercion and the law / Brendan D. Kelly  2016 1
Mental health laws -- Japan -- Case studies. : Case studies on human rights in Japan / edited by Roger Goodman and Ian Neary  1996 1
Mental health laws -- Latin America : Políticas terapéuticas y economías de sufrimiento : perspectivas y debates contemporáneos sobre las tecnologías psi / María E. Epele (compiladora) ; Diego Zenobi [and fifteen others]  2020? 1
Mental health laws -- Massachusetts. : The essentials of Massachusetts mental health law : a straightforward guide for clinicians of all disciplines / Stephen H. Behnke, James T. Hilliard  1998 1
Mental health laws -- New York (State)   2
Mental health laws -- New York (State) -- New York : The extraordinary proceedings at the City Hall, New York, commenced May 21st and continued by adjournments to June 17th, 1833 : before David S. Jones, and Charles Graham, esquires, counsellors at law, and David Perkins, and John Stearns, M. Drs., commissioners, appointed by the Chancellor of the state of New-York, by virtue of a commission, in the nature of a writ de lunatico inquirendo, to enquire whether Joseph Wilfred Parkins, be a lunatic : combining the evidence, speeches of counsel, and singularly skilful and adroit defence of the alleged lunatice : the lucid and elaborate charges of the commissioners to the jury, with the legal documents appertaining to the commission, viz : the petition to the chancellor : affidavits : commission, and inquisition in full / reported and compiled by Joseph William Trust  1833 1
Mental health laws -- New Zealand.   3
Mental health laws -- Oceania : Accessing justice through mental health law reform in the pacific / Helen J. Ménard (Legal Consultant, Picnic Bay, Queensland, Australia)  2016 1
Mental health laws -- Palestine -- History -- 20th century : Mandatory madness : colonial psychiatry and mental illness in British mandate Palestine / Chris Sandal-Wilson  2024 1
Mental health laws -- Papua New Guinea. : Psychiatry and the law in the developing country : with special reference to the Territory of Papua and New Guinea / by B.G. Burton-Bradley  1970 1
Mental health laws -- Periodicals   3
Mental health laws -- Scotland.   3
Mental health laws -- Singapore. : Mental disorders and the law / Kok Lee Peng, Molly Cheang, Chee Kuan Tsee  1994 1
Mental health laws -- Spain : La Construcción Jurídica de la Discapacidad  2019 1
Mental health laws -- Study and teaching -- Australia. : Legal rights : a course for people with a learning difficulty or an intellectual disability : a kit for trainers / by Jenny Klause and Anne Rauch ; cartoons by Simon Kneebone and Merri Spencer  1990 1
Mental health laws -- U.S. states : Legislation on insanity : a collection of all the lunacy laws of the states and territories of the United States to the year 1883, inclusive : also the law of England on insanity, legislation in Canada on private houses, and important portions of the lunacy laws of Germany, France, etc. / [compiled by] George L. Harrison  1884 1
Mental health laws -- United States   59
Mental health laws -- United States -- Cases.   3
Mental health laws -- United States -- Congresses : Citizens with mental retardation and the law : proceedings of the Second National Conference on the Legal Rights of Citizens with Mental Retardation / sponsored by President's Committee on Mental Retardation, Washington, D.C.; Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C.; The Resident Home for the Mentally Retarded of Hamilton County, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio; City University of New York Law School At Queens College, New York, New York ; editors: Julius S. Cohen, Ed.D., Lawrence A. Kane, Jr., esq., Phyllis Brown, J.D  1986 1
Mental health laws -- United States -- Periodicals   4
Mental health laws -- United States -- States : Legislation on insanity : a collection of all the lunacy laws of the states and territories of the United States to the year 1883, inclusive : also the law of England on insanity, legislation in Canada on private houses, and important portions of the lunacy laws of Germany, France, etc. / [compiled by] George L. Harrison  1884 1
Mental health laws -- Wales   14
Mental health Lawyers Great Britain : Mental health and wellbeing in the legal profession / Emma Jones, Neil Graffin, Rajvinder Samra and Mathijs Lucassen  2020 1
Mental health Lawyers Ireland : Mental health and wellbeing in the legal profession / Emma Jones, Neil Graffin, Rajvinder Samra and Mathijs Lucassen  2020 1
Mental health Learning disabled   12
Mental health Learning disabled Case studies : Art therapy in a learning disability setting : subjectivity and institutional life / Robin Tipple  2024 1
Mental health Learning disabled children   3
Mental health Learning disabled children Congresses : Learning disabilities spectrum : ADD, ADHD, and LD / edited by Arnold J. Capute, Pasquale J. Accardo, and Bruce K. Shapiro  1994 1
Mental health Leatham, Victoria : Bloodletting : a memoir of secrets, self-harm and survival / Victoria Leatham  2004 1
Mental health Leatham, Victoria, 1969- : Bloodletting : a memoir of secrets, self-harm and survival / Victoria Leatham  2004 1
Mental health -- Lebanon : Where do I begin / directed by Carol Mansour  2011 1
Mental Health -- legislation & jurisprudence   15
Mental health Leroux, Nanette : Hysteria complicated by ecstasy : the case of Nanette Leroux / Jan Goldstein  2010 1
Mental health Lesbians   12
Mental health Lesbians Case studies : Gays, lesbians, and their therapists : studies in psychotherapy / edited by Charles Silverstein  1991 1
Mental health Lesbians Handbooks, manuals, etc : The Therapist's Notebook for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients : Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Psychotherapy  2013 1
Mental health Lesbians Periodicals   2
Mental health Lesbians South Africa Fiction : Call it a difficult night / Mishka Hoosen  2015 1
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