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Title Something about the author. Volume 184 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Published Detroit, Mich. : Gale, [2008]
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Description 1 online resource
Series Gale virtual reference library
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents Cindy Lou Aillaud -- M. Apostolina -- David Baldacci -- Bonny Becker -- Anilu Bernardo -- Raymond Briggs -- Susan Buckley -- Abby Carter -- Eileen Christelow -- Janet Wyman Coleman -- Sneed B. Collard III -- Genevieve Cote -- Olivier de Goursac -- Anna Dewdney -- Johnette Downing -- Paul Dowswell -- Karen Ehrhardt -- Brenda A. Ferber -- Michael Foreman -- Natasha Friend -- Xavier Garza -- Valeri Gorbachev -- Mary GrandPre -- Rita Gray -- Barbara Gregorich -- Don Herbert (Obit. Notice) -- Danamarie Hosler -- Ellen Howard -- Carla Jablonski -- Kathy Kacer -- Deborah Ousley Kadair -- Kathleen Krull -- Dee Lillegard -- Mallory Loehr -- Lise Lunge-Larsen -- Elizabeth MacLeod -- Katie McKy -- Paul Meisel -- Sy Montgomery -- Patrick Moore -- Michael Morpurgo -- Roxie Munro -- Suzanne Nelson -- Linda Newbery -- Brandon Noonan -- Dominique Paul -- Saviour Pirotta -- Carol Plum-Ucci -- Rodica Prato -- Margot Theis Raven -- Anna Redsand -- Kit Reed -- Jutta Richter -- Diane Roberts -- Priscilla Roberts -- Phyllis Root -- Lois Ruby -- Fred Saberhagen (Obit. Notice) -- Roxane Beauclair Salonen -- Benjamin Santamaria -- Laura Amy Schlitz -- Emanuel Schongut -- Virginia Frances Schwartz -- Leonie Shearing -- Herb Shoveller -- Mark Shulman -- Pamela Silin-Palmer -- Gordon Smith -- Beth Spiegel -- Richard Thompson -- Deborah W. Trotter -- Robert E. Wells -- T.K. Welsh -- Bee Willey -- Sophie Windham -- Jeanette Winter -- Liz Wu -- Lara M. Zeises
Summary Series covers individuals ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries cover: personal life, career, writings and works in progress, adaptations, additional sources, and photographs
Notes "Facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people."
"ISSN 0276-816X."
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Original: xi, 224 pages : illustrations, photographs ; 29 cm
Print version record
Subject Aillaud, Cindy Lou, 1955-
Apostolina, M. (Michael)
Baldacci, David.
Becker, Bonny.
Bernardo, Anilú
Briggs, Raymond.
Buckley, Susan Washburn.
Carter, Abby.
Christelow, Eileen.
Coleman, Janet Wyman.
Collard, Sneed B.
Côté, Geneviève.
Dewdney, Anna.
Downing, Johnette.
Dowswell, Paul.
Ehrhardt, Karen.
Ferber, Brenda A.
Foreman, Michael, 1938-
Friend, Natasha, 1972-
Garza, Xavier.
Gorbachev, Valeri.
Goursac, Olivier de.
GrandPré, Mary.
Gray, Rita.
Gregorich, Barbara.
Herbert, Don
Hosler, Danamarie.
Howard, Ellen.
Jablonski, Carla.
Kacer, Kathy, 1954-
Kadair, Deborah Ousley.
Krull, Kathleen.
Lillegard, Dee
Loehr, Mallory.
Lunge-Larsen, Lise.
MacLeod, Elizabeth.
McKy, Katie.
Meisel, Paul.
Montgomery, Sy
Moore, Patrick H., 1959-
Morpurgo, Michael.
Munro, Roxie.
Nelson, Suzanne, 1976-
Newbery, Linda.
Noonan, Brandon.
Paul, Dominique.
Pirotta, Saviour.
Plum-Ucci, Carol, 1957-
Prato, Rodica.
Raven, Margot Theis.
Redsand, Anna.
Reed, Kit
Richter, Jutta, 1955-
Roberts, Diane, 1937-
Roberts, Priscilla Mary
Root, Phyllis.
Ruby, Lois.
Saberhagen, Fred, 1930-2007.
Salonen, Roxane B.
Santamaría, Benjamín.
Schlitz, Laura Amy.
Schongut, Emanuel.
Schwartz, Virginia Frances.
Shearing, Leonie.
Shoveller, Herb.
Shulman, Mark, 1962-
Silin-Palmer, Pamela.
Smith, Gordon R., 1951-
Spiegel, Beth, 1957-
Thompson, Richard, 1951-
Trotter, Deborah W.
Wells, Robert E.
Welsh, T. K.
Willey, Bee
Windham, Sophie.
Winter, Jeanette.
Wu, Liz
Zeises, Lara M.
Baldacci, David.
Briggs, Raymond.
Buckley, Susan Washburn.
Collard, Sneed B.
Côté, Geneviève.
Foreman, Michael, 1938-
GrandPré, Mary.
Gregorich, Barbara.
MacLeod, Elizabeth.
Montgomery, Sy.
Morpurgo, Michael.
Munro, Roxie.
Reed, Kit.
Richter, Jutta, 1955-
Ruby, Lois.
Saberhagen, Fred, 1930-2007.
Schlitz, Laura Amy.
Thompson, Richard, 1951-
Authors -- Biography.
Children's literature -- Bibliography.
Illustrators -- Biography
Children's literature.
Genre/Form Bibliography.
Form Electronic book
Author Kumar, Lisa.
Thomson Gale (Firm)
ISBN 0787699330