Overall systems, traditional or automated, to provide medication to patients in hospitals. Elements of the system are: handling the physician's order, transcription of the order by nurse and/or pharmacist, filling the medication order, transfer to the nursing unit, and administration to the patient
Implanted fluid propulsion systems with self-contained power source for providing long-term controlled-rate delivery of drugs such as chemotherapeutic agents or analgesics. Delivery rate may be externally controlled or osmotically or peristatically controlled with the aid of transcutaneous monitoring
Medication Systems -- standards : Pediatric high-alert medications : evidence-based safe practices for nursing professionals / Jill Duncan, Jason Corcoran
Here are entered works on the use of therapeutic drugs as reported by government agencies, hospitals, physicians and drug firms --subdivision Drug use under names of individual persons, and under classes of persons and ethnic groups
--headings beginning with the word Drug; also individual drugs and groups of drugs, e.g. Narcotics; also subdivision Therapeutic use under individual chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. Copper--Therapeutic use; Insulin--Therapeutic use; and subdivision Drug use under names of individual persons and under classes of persons and ethnic groups
Overall systems, traditional or automated, to provide medication to patients in hospitals. Elements of the system are: handling the physician's order, transcription of the order by nurse and/or pharmacist, filling the medication order, transfer to the nursing unit, and administration to the patient
Here are entered works dealing collectively with the four largest satellites of Jupiter: Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io. Works on an individual satellite are entered under the heading for the satellite, e.g. Callisto (Satellite)
Here are entered works dealing collectively with the four largest satellites of Jupiter: Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io. Works on an individual satellite are entered under the heading for the satellite, e.g. Callisto (Satellite)
Medici, Cosimo de', 1389-1464 -- Library : The public library of Renaissance Florence : Niccolò Niccoli, Cosimo de' Medici, and the library of San Marco / by Berthold L. Ullman and Philip A. Stadter